i will be rocking my retro dress
So excellent!
On a related note, I picked up my rocking retro cateye glasses yesterday! (Thank you, Clearly Contacts!)
Pics or it didn't happen! ;) (Says the woman who posts a waterfall for her pic...)
Welcome to the decade that starts with 4. I entered it in November. The 40's are going to be amazing for both of us!
Referral to registry: Oct 21, 2011 Orientation (TWH): Feb 22, 2012 Surgery: Nov 7, 2012
Come to Toronto East End Coffee Nights! Click here for details.
Happy Birthday! and can't wait to see the pics!! :)
Referral:April 4th, 2012.Letter Received for Orientation:June 4th, 2012.Orientation: Sept. 24th, 2012. Blood Work: Dec 14th, 2012. Dietician: January 30th, 2013. ECG Done: January 30th, 2013 Gastroscopy: Feb. 5th, 2013. Social Worker: Feb. 8th, 2013(Canceled, due to snow storm). Abdominal Ultrasound: Feb. 12th, 2013. Surgeons Appt. Feb. 20th, 2013. Social Worker(Rescheduled): Feb. 25th, 2013. Internist: March 4th, 2013. Meet the Surgeon: March 12th, 2013.No Sleep Test Needed. Opti Started: July 16 - 30, 2013.Nutrition Class: July 18th, 2013. PATTS: July 19th, 2013 Surgery: August 2nd, 2013.