My avatar pic....need help resizing
Hi Everyone,
Love this forum, you are so very inspiring and I'm continuously blown away by how helpful and sincere people are on here.
Any how, I've been trying for ever and a day to resize my profile pic (avatar) to 20kb. I have used window 7 paint, an online webpic resizer, I've compressed....I've googled....and I'm juast at a loss here. I managed when I first set up my profile to upload 3 pictures and didn't do any resizing but anything else since then, I get constant error messages saying file is too big. Errrr...getting so blummin frustrated! Any help would be appreciated.
That is way too funny, I have just spent the last hour trying to do the same thing, and I too get the same message, its very frustrating, or i try to download an avatar from the internet and it says something about not understanding the URL, grrrr is right, i finally gave up. I will pay close attention to the replies you get.
oh and you are so right about this forum the people are so awesome and helpful and just so encouraging.
on 3/16/13 7:29 am
Go to
It is free and very easy. Just choose resize image and follow the instructions
Here is where you shrink a picture for an avatar: