four years, warning: long bragging post
Hi Nata
I loved reading fact I could have written almost the identical story - other then no diabetes pre surgery - but other serious health factors....and now I am healthy - take no meds other then the occasional tylenol -
I am also thankful you decided to stay on OH and provide your perspective as a long term WLS vet AND as a long term DSér.....its great for people to read, especially now they are offering more DS surgeries in Ontario
I also really appreciate your balanced view of the world ( in my opinion anyway!)....and your ability to view all WLS as what they are - a tool to assist the patient in weight control....
When I was starting out - I was offered all of the surgeries....including lap band.....and DS......I was one of the very early people to go thru the Ontario system......the registry wasn't set up etc......I have sometimes second guessed myself on my surgery choice....but for me and my likes and dislikes - RNY was the route to go....( I hate the taste and texture of fatty things......creme etc)
I worried I wouldn't be able to get all the weight off....or to keep it off.......but I was a good patient and followed all of the rules and got my weight off.....and am keeping the vast majority of it away at almost 4 years also......and I like my lifestyle of suits my taste
Sorry - I didn't mean this to be about have done so well Nata.....YOU have told it like it is......YOU have given back to the community.......YOU have had respect and balance in your comments and attitude....and I thank you for it all....
Your friend
Oh Barb, you're making me blush.
I'm just trying to be honest. Surgery wars were useful thing for gathering information beyond standard minimum, but life corrected all exaggerations and I just saw how it is. Once we had quite an active group of DSers in Ottawa and I also have a few Graberritos friends with RnY, so I saw the truth that never makes it to the forum. Quite a few of us failed mostly due to misconception, that DSers can do whatever we want and that with RnY or VSG you can do crap "in moderation".
My own first "regain" occurred at 13 months and I consider myself very lucky - My realization that wls is a hard work came just in time, before I sabotaged myself into a total failure. So my "balanced" approach is just what life taught me.
Starting BMI - 62, current BMI - NORMAL!!!!!.
204 pounds lost!!!!
You should be very proud of all you've accomplished, both personally and for the OH community. I agree with others that your balanced approach to the weight loss options is a huge benefit for those here and your personal journey with a (as yet) less known surgical option provides those who could benefit from it , a personal, realistic perspective.
Well Niki, it's not just off meds, it's "cured" - They do extended tests before deeming somebody cured from diabetes,etc. Mostly due to requirements of Ministry of transportation - people on high dosage of insulin are "reported" and required to test sugar every time before driving. "Clearing" from this requirement takes quite a few tests over almost a year after you're "healthy". But now even doing aviation medical I go through the system as non diabetic.
Starting BMI - 62, current BMI - NORMAL!!!!!.
204 pounds lost!!!!