Pre op tomorrow

on 2/7/12 2:06 am - Canada
Feb 08 212
Hi everybody I have my pre op tomorrow and I was just wondering if anyone can tell me what to expect? In my papers from TW it is telling me it could take up to 6 hours for this appointment...Is that right my appointment is 7:00am so we are going to Toronto tonight I am not taking any chances on the weather or Traffic.
I start Optifast this Friday feb. 10th and surgery date is Feb.24th...I am so nervous I want this so bad it almost seems to good to be true you understand what I mean?...I can get through this I know I can I just have to look towards the future and think of the end result..I was told by a friend that I can have broth and sugarless pop sciles and sugarless jello while I am on optifast
has anyone else heard of this...
well I better get going before I tell you my life story and believe me you don't want to get into
Thanks everyone
on 2/7/12 2:55 am - Canada
I had my pre op about a month and a half ago at st joe's in Hamilton. My appointment also was at 7am and being one of the first appointments, I was done in about an hour and half. I was weighed, had another ECG, saw the anathesiologist and pharmacist and diabetic nurse.because your are there so early, you'll probably be finished in no time.
Optifast might be a bit tough initially but once you tweak it you should be fine. Our centre allowed us sugar free jello a d popsicles as well as broth. I made my own veggie and chicken broth so I could control the sodium. Good luck you are almost there.
Brenda T.
on 2/7/12 3:30 am - Oshawa, Canada
RNY on 05/14/12
I'm excited for you!! Let us know how it goes for you. And I am also going thru TWH and you are allowed broth, SF popsicles and SF jello.
All the best, you are almost there!!

Brenda             Visit my profile for timelines                         My  is Monica M.

on 2/7/12 6:12 am - Canada
RNY on 02/29/12
Hi, Had my pre op today at TW for 7am. I was out of there by 9:15am. They will not open the doors until 7am!! So don't arrive too early.
I went for bloodwork (7 viles) an EKC or ECG (whatever that thing is where they hook you up to wires for 5 min).
Then i saw the nurse All was good until they had to do swabs for 2 germs that you could be carrying, Be prepared to have both nostrils swabbed, Your groin area, your underarm and oh yeah DROP YOUR PANTS because they want the crack of your ass as well!!!!!!!!! (sorry if i offend anyone but i have never had that before!!!!!!!!!!! lol

Then I saw the pharmacist about my medications

Finally the anastesiologist. Never had to do an xray but i don't have breathing problems.

All in all it went very smoothly i would say. Everyone ws very friendly.

You are allowed the sf popsicles and jello as well as the broth on the optifast.
We will just miss each other in the ospital as I have mine on Feb29th.
Best of luck!!!!!!
Referal: March 2011                   Orientation: TWH July 21,20
11           Nurse Practitioner:Sept. 6,2011
Sleep Clinic Test: Sept. 11,2011 Sleep Clinic Result:
Sept. 27, 2011   Social Worker: Oct.. 19, 2011   
Nutrition Class: Nov.1,2011        Diabetis Assessment: Nov. 01, 2011  Dietitian: Dec. 02, 2011 
Psychologist: Dec. 06, 2011       Surgeon Meeting: Jan. 21, 2012        RYN Surgery Date: Feb. 29, 2012

on 2/7/12 7:50 am - Canada
my preop was at Toronto East,, last for about two hours,, didn't have to do a ekg ,, had bloodwork, chest xray, i'm not on any meds so pharmacist lasted about 5 min's, they do swab you,, but at toronto East they give you this long q-tip and ask you to go to the washroom and insert it about 1/2 inch,, i thought are you friggin kidding me, but off i went with my q-tip.. geezeeee lol,, the anastesiologist i met was not the one that was in the OR, the one in the OR made me melt and i can still see his handsome face and smile,,  yummy yummy... oopsie.. sorry,,, anywaysssssssssss... good luck and good luck with your surgery,,, your gonna love it!!!
on 2/8/12 2:15 am, edited 2/8/12 2:19 am - Canada
Hi everybody again
Fist of all sorry for not responding last night but we spent the night in Toronto and my stupid phone wouldn't let me answer anyone ...thank you for all the info. I was well prepared
My app. was 7:00am and they didn't take me untill 8:35am they were really busy they said, and some employee phoned in and said she was going to be late. Oh well but everything went just as everyone had explained to me and yes the swabs were eeewwww yuchy. But we were on our way home by 9:40 so that wasn't bad met some intersting people in there, this one lady was drinking her opti fast this morning so I asked for for any tips and she replied NO. She complained to me that everyone complains about the taste and she bascially said get over while I was do blood work my hubby was talking to her and he said that he is going to find it hard to cook or eat in front of me and her repy was well by the looks of you, you could stand to lose some weight also...Well it's a good thing that he didn't tell me this untill we were on our way back home otherwise I would have given her a piece of my mind...the nerve of some
But all is well, now I play the waiting game again.. the good side of thing My daughter is taking me to Teddy's (known deli in Oshawa) for my 2nd last meal...Hubby's turn tomorrow...
OBTW I don't know how I did it but I have lost 5 lbs....I was all happy when I got that news today because I have been eating everything in sight these last couple of weeks...

I will definatly keep everyone posted on my optifast progress and to maybe come on here and holler qnd leave my hubby alone for a while...he is going to need a break by the time this is over...poor guy...:)
Thanks everyone for listining
on 2/11/12 11:31 pm - Canada
Hi everybody
well I am on my optifast now since Friday Feb. 10th and it isn't as bad as I thought I have choclate only and it is a *****alky tasting but other than that not bad at all. I am hungry but nothing to what I thought it was going to be, I thought I would be dead by Had a little set back after pre op with my sugar levels they were 18.4 and my pre op  nurse phoned and said get those sugar levels down or no I worried and phoned the doctor and he put me on some new meds and now it isn't too bad now up and down like a toilet so if it doesn't get any better i will visit my family doctor this week...I don't have any scales yet but my clothes kind of feel better...So yes it will be worth it...
I was told I can have sugar free jello and sugar free popsciles and campbells broth so hubby went out and got me No Sugar Added with aspertine now should I be having this or not a friend of my daughter just had his surgery on Thurs and came home on Sat and she asked him and he said yes with aspertine is ok...but I am worried about it I am not doing anything to comprise this. It reads 1g sugar on pkg...
What is your oponion...I had 1 box so far over the coarse of the day on Frid and just a bit out of the next box.....
on 2/12/12 5:43 am - Canada
can anyone help me with the above question?
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