Finally got the call...kind of long...Sorry...

on 1/9/12 8:08 pm, edited 1/9/12 8:09 pm - Belleville, Canada
RNY on 02/09/12
 Have been lurking for quite some time and only posting periodically...I have found over the last 2 years tha****ching as others get surgery dates well in advance of me increases my frustration level.  On one hand I think about how wonderful it is that another person is getting the medical care they need to start their new healthier life and be able to see a canadian surgeon.  On the other hand there is the feeling of WTF when people get surgery dates in less than a year.

So when Audrey phoned on Friday Jan. 6/2012 and asked if I would be willing to see the surgeon on February 9/2012 I didn't want to jinx it by posting here.  Especially since I had talked to her the day before and she said I would probably be called the week of Jan 16 or Jan 23 to make an appointment to see a surgeon.  And she was not booking to far in advance due to the possability of snow. (So all those waiting on Guelph she said she is only booking a week or so in advance right now. )

So off I go to Guelph with my mother to see the surgeon yesterday, arrived an hour early.  (Yes I was concerned about being late....who knows when you have to drive straight through TO what can happen).  Dr. Reed is a lovely man,  funny and straight forward.  So after the telling of all the possible scarey detrimental side effects and informing me that considering my rapid increase of medications to control my diabetes over the last 3 years since diagnosis  I will NEVER lose the weight on my own, he says,  "So are we going to do this??""


So he's telling me surgery will probably be in 6- 8 weeks.  I see the lovely ladies at the front desk and OMG (Yes I just said that)  Surgery is in 4 weeks!!!!  So I will be going back and rechecking all the posts on how to make it through Optifast...

I know kind of long...but I just had to get it all out to individuals who get it and understand the scarey, excited, butterflies in stomach feeling...


Referral: January 2010     Orientation: Dec 2010      1st Appt's : April 26/2011       Surgery : Feb 9 / 2012      

Starting Weight:  265   Surgeons Goal : 187lbs    Personal Goal: 150lbs 

(deactivated member)
on 1/9/12 8:16 pm - Guelph, Canada
 can I ask why if you are in Beleville are you comming all the way to Guelph for surgery? 

Its nice to hear that Guelph is moving... I thought they may have fallen off the face of the earth because I am still in the waiting game. 
on 1/9/12 8:30 pm
 Congrats on getting your surgery date!!  Everything will go very quickly now.  

on 1/9/12 8:31 pm
RNY on 06/05/12
Congrats!!! I'm sure you will do awseome, and make sure to let us know how you make out with the optifast, this way all of in line behind you can prepare.  I love reading ow peoles appointments go, how they make out with opti, post surgery info.  Every morsel of info helps me and i'm sure others to better prepare for our turn.
on 1/9/12 8:55 pm - Belleville, Canada
RNY on 02/09/12

The short story is that my referral was sent in at the time the registry was being created.  I spoke to my doctor literally a week to late to be sent to the states.  My referral was originally sent to Humber.  When they did the whole send everything back to the bariatric registry reshuffle and redistribute based on Postal Code.  My referral got lost.  
The ONLY clinic able to give me any answers was the Guelph Clinic,  I spoke to Audrey in September?? of 2010 and she was able to speak to someone at the registry who said that based on their records it was in Ottawa.  I spoke to the bariatric Clinic in Ottawa and they could neither confirm or deny they had it, because it might be in a box and they didn't know when they would find it or if they would.
How strange is with much shaken confidence and tears of frustration I called Audrey back and asked about getting my file moved to Guelph.   She was very reassuring and not only said it was no problem but scheduled me in to an orientation in December of that year.
 I am positive that all the Bariatric Centres are wonderful...but based on my experiences Guelph was the one for me.
 The wait has been long, it will be 25 months from initial referral to surgery, but I feel very prepared to go into surgery, and more importantly for what my life will be after surgery.  I am very much a small steps person and the dieticians were fantastic and very patient with my need to make the changes in a manner that I felt would increase my chances of long term success.
If you ha ve not met them yet, you will love the support people at Guelph.  Even Audrey as gruff as she can be is a gem and clearly wants the best for all of us.
Referral: January 2010     Orientation: Dec 2010      1st Appt's : April 26/2011       Surgery : Feb 9 / 2012      

Starting Weight:  265   Surgeons Goal : 187lbs    Personal Goal: 150lbs 

(deactivated member)
on 1/9/12 10:32 pm - Guelph, Canada
 WOW... Thats a hike for you any time you need to go to appointments...  the 401 in the morning coming through Toronto is not fun and the 401 going home I am sure was no picnic either.. 

So far I am loving the Guelph clinic with one exception..... when they give you a time line its not accourate and I am a planner...I was told at my orientarion by the nurse and S/W that my surgery wold be "late fall" well to me late fall is anytime between November and December... I was planning a family vacation during that time so I broke the news to the kids that we would not be going on vacation. Our budget would not allow to move it up by 3+ months so hubby and I agreed to postpone because there is no way I wanted to be trying to recover from something "if" I picked up a bug while on vacation and be on opti because they would most likely delay me till I was over what ever it is I had... there is no way I wanted to be on opti while ON vacation... 

So because of the false information with timing I missed my friends 40th b-day party  and my kids missed a great vacation and yep... I am still waiting! (My friend married a Cuban woman and right now he lives 9 months of the year there and 3 here until her immigration papers are arranged) 

Congrats on your date... im 
Megan M.
on 1/9/12 9:09 pm - Canada
Wonderful news!  Time will really fly now.

Had RNY surgery July 22/11, St. Joe's Hamilton, with the awesome Dr. Scott Gmora.  Had abdominoplasty August 2/13, Scarborough, with equally awesome Dr. Michael Kreidstein.

Monica M.
on 1/9/12 9:22 pm - Penetanguishene, Canada
I am so freaking excited for you!!! Your time has come!! This is going to be sooooooooooo awesome!!!

Just expect some feelings of 'omg am i really going to go through with this , or the "two week freak', as we like to call it. lol....

so exciting!!
on 1/9/12 10:21 pm - Guelph, Canada
It's taken you quite a while, but I think you'll find it's all worth it.  Guelph has such a good reputation, and my family doctor, who is also chief of staff at Guelph General, says Dr. Reed is THE best, and the whole team is excellent!

Good luck with everything!

on 1/9/12 10:26 pm - Canada
So happy for you. It's gonna fly from now on!
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