Having a couple struggles...please help

on 12/28/11 2:49 am - Oshawa, Canada

I have not been measuring alot of my food since having surgery on sept 26 and I find myself questioning did I have to much? did I not have enough? some items are really easy to measure but some things not so much.

For example. I am having a turkey burger (patty only) for lunch. it is 142 grams... is this to much? Please help me understand so I can do this right!

Another struggle I am having is my protein/ calories. At my one month follow up they recommended I stop drinking my protein and get it in through my food. Until this point I have still been drinking a shake each day.

I am not going to have a protein shake today but I found I needed to have a fair amount of food to get the required amount.

Another question I have is how many calories should I be eating a day? I believe it is 900-1000

Here is an example of what I am eating today. This does not include dinner.
Breakfast: 2 eggs, 1 slice of cheese
Snack- Cottage Cheese (Fat free)
Lunch- Turkey burger (patty only) with 1 tbsp of guacomole and 1 tbsp of mayo
Snack- greek yogurt and 56g of deli meat

This gives me 32 grams of fat
50 grams of net carbs (28g of sugar)
90 grams of protein
835 calories

any recommendations on things I should be doing different? What do you usually eat to get your protein in?

I guess I feel like I am not doing everything I possibly can to be successful at this. Maybe I am  just concerned that I have failed at everything else so why not this? I have my 3 month follow up appointments on Jan 26 and will seek some assistance there. I feel like I am eating to much at meals and worry that I will not change my habits enough for long term success.

thanks everyone for your input.


HW- 343     CW- 266.4  SW- 314                                        My  is suberman!       

Karen M.
on 12/28/11 2:57 am - Mississauga, Canada
I think your menu looks great.  What are you eating for dinner?

You are doing JUST FINE.  Do your best, that's all you can do. And.... if you're finding it hard, there is no harm in a protein shake.  I took them for just about 2 years, then stopped, then started them again for breakfast about a year ago.

Hang in there.



Ontario Recipes Forum - http://www.obesityhelp.com/group/ontario_recipes/

on 12/28/11 3:00 am - Oshawa, Canada
thanks Karen! When/where is the Mississauga support group. I work in Mississauga and thought I could maybe stop by one of these days!
HW- 343     CW- 266.4  SW- 314                                        My  is suberman!       

Karen M.
on 12/28/11 3:12 am, edited 12/28/11 3:13 am - Mississauga, Canada
I would love that!

Our next one is on Jan 5th at Tim's on Lakeshore - 1785 Lakeshore Road West. :)

ETA: 6:30 PM



Ontario Recipes Forum - http://www.obesityhelp.com/group/ontario_recipes/

on 12/28/11 2:59 am
Hi Jenn

Sounds like you are doing well with 66 pounds lost in 3 months.....

The only thing that struck me a little odd in your menu was the deli meat after the greek yogurt for your snack....isnt the greek yogurt enough for you?

I still drink a protein shake daily to ensure I get my requirements....however you should follow what your clinic instructs....

Try measuring your food to make sure you are eating the proper amounts....AND....stop when you are full....not overfull....

RE the calories.....I wouldnt get hung up on this figure at your stage....we are all different and have varying activity levels....you also have to eat enough not just for nutrition but to ensure that when in maintenance you have not set yourself up that you must eat very low calories to maintain....

Really - I think you are doing well....and you are thiking about it....all good

Hope this helps - I am sure other opinions will chime in







on 12/28/11 3:06 am - Oshawa, Canada
Hi Barb, thanks for your response. The only reason for the deli meat is I am trying to get all my protein in

Can you provide any input around measuring food. How do I know if my turkey burger is enough or not enough in a meal?

I find lately that I haven't really been getting full. I feel satified.

I wonder why my widget hasn't updated yet....I am at 73lbs down now :) Also checked my BMI and I am down 10.8...woot woot!
HW- 343     CW- 266.4  SW- 314                                        My  is suberman!       

on 12/28/11 3:10 am
If you eat roughly one cup per meal that should be sufficient....a mature pouch will hold a little more...but emphasis on stopping eating when you feel any sign of fullness

You are just great.....dont try to get over full.... satisfied is a better feeling







on 12/28/11 3:27 am - Oshawa, Canada
my question is how do I measure one cup if im eating a turkey burger :)
HW- 343     CW- 266.4  SW- 314                                        My  is suberman!       

Karen M.
on 12/28/11 3:29 am - Mississauga, Canada
Weigh it.  Take 2.5 - 3 oz.



Ontario Recipes Forum - http://www.obesityhelp.com/group/ontario_recipes/

on 12/28/11 3:35 am - Cambridge, Canada
 An ounce is about 30g.  So a 140g burger is almost 5oz.  

For me - this was a bit much at 3 months out - I had a sleeve though.  I could probably eat that NOW, but not early out.  More like about half of that.

To` get in that much - are you dragging out your `eating?  If you sit down and eat for 45min-an hour, you're probably almost 'grazing" and getting too much.  Early out it takes a long time to eat - but by 3 months you should be pushing food away at that first sign of "satisfied" or "getting full" and getting away from the plate.  I put it in the fridge, throw it out, whatever.  If I sit there-  10min later, I can eat more.
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