Family sues Ottawa Hospital after woman, 37, dies following gastric bypass surgery

on 12/12/11 11:06 pm
I don't see how you can possibly draw this conclusion from the information provided. Studies show that the learning curve for RNY is 100 surgeries, and that the skill difference between surgeons who have performed 100 vs 1000 surgeries is negligible.
Geri T.
on 12/12/11 9:59 pm - Blenheim, Canada
I also chose to have my surgery in Toronto.  You mentioned you decided to have your surgery in Michigan....did you let OHIP pay for it or did you self pay?  If you self paid...good for you but if you still used our OHIP system to pay for it then you are still using the same system she did...your choices were different.

I would rather have my family and friends close to me and be able to go to the hospital close to her home rather than the drive to the states if complications like this were to happen.  I know it is very rare this happens but still nice to have people you love close at your time in need

on 12/12/11 11:20 pm - Canada
What a horrific ordeal for that poor woman and her family.
It's true we are all told of the risks and sometimes things can happen with even the most skilled of doctors. Every body and response is different. The way the article was written is sounded as if they maybe held off on investigating the cause too long. I dont' understand why she was discharged if she was vomitting in the night..  On my discharge papers that was one of the things that required me to get my butt in to the doc asap, so why they let her go is a mystery but maybe we aren't getting all the facts or even the correct ones.
Sure makes me grateful for my experience so far.
Karen M.
on 12/12/11 11:39 pm - Mississauga, Canada
Exactly.  We're not getting all the facts, nor will we. 

Such a shame, I'm sure her family is devastated.



Ontario Recipes Forum -

on 12/12/11 11:31 pm
Let the scratching and hairpulling begin!!!!!!!!          

Just kidding.
But just wanted to lighten the mood a little.   
Karen M.
on 12/12/11 11:37 pm - Mississauga, Canada
So why not lighten the mood with your barrage of emoticons using your own name instead of a troll account?



Ontario Recipes Forum -

(deactivated member)
on 12/12/11 11:37 pm - Bumfuknowhere, Canada
On December 13, 2011 at 7:31 AM Pacific Time, iamaflyonthewall wrote:
Let the scratching and hairpulling begin!!!!!!!!          

Just kidding.
But just wanted to lighten the mood a little.   
Karen M.
on 12/12/11 11:41 pm - Mississauga, Canada
The most ridiculous part is that this is a perfectly intelligent, respectful conversation. 

Respectfully to the COWARD TROLL - if you have something to say, say it. Hiding behind a fake account is childish and disrespectful to the members of the board.



Ontario Recipes Forum -

(deactivated member)
on 12/12/11 11:44 pm - Bumfuknowhere, Canada
I don't get the whole cowardly troll thing.  It's not funny in any way at all and to do it in a thread like this is beyond childish.
on 12/13/11 12:03 am
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