Reaching out for a little support.. be gentle.. I'm

Monica M.
on 11/13/11 10:18 pm - Penetanguishene, Canada
Hey LL
First of all, you're doing wonderfullly with your weight loss. Just remember, tho, that weight loss isnt the only part of the journey that you need to be working on.

It is very difficult to do all the things  you need to do to stay healthy. That's part of the reason that we say that this is not the "easy way out" that some people think it is. As Erica said, following the guidelines is your JOB. You need to take it seriously. Serious complications can result.

I use this website, to remind me to take my vitamins. It sends me email reminders (which i get on my bberry) to take my meds (vitamins)

When i was early out, i would set a timer to remind me to eat. If you have a smart phone you can use your calendar application to remind you to eat.

It helps if you plan what you're going to eat for the day, that way you can calculate the amounts of protein and everything, and set it out on a shelf in the fridge, or on the counter or table, and when its gone, you know you've done your job.
I use, the myplate application on my computer and bberry, to track my foods and keep track of the carbs and protein intake.

Low iron and vitamin B can make you tired. I get a b12 injection from my family doctors office every month (was every 2 weeks for a bit), because its one less thing i have to do on a daily basis.

No lashings here. just hugs. Try hard to do all the things you need to do. You're losing weight, awesome! Now just stay healthy.

Mary A.
on 11/13/11 10:24 pm
I am almost 3 years post-op and my iron has NEVER been in a statisfactory zone

..I take my vitamins faithfully, get in my required protein and drink sufficient amount of liquids.  I also keep extra vitamins on my desk at work and in my vehicle in case I am out some where and need to take them.

Stalls are bound to happen, just don;t be weighing yourself every couple of days or it can drive you crazy..sometime plateaus last a  couple of weeks sometimes longer....  Keep water or flavoured water with you at all times and constantly sip, you will be amazed how quickly those ounces add up.

Protein consumption HAS to be your main focus  even if you are not hungry..hungry doens't have anything to do with the protein, it's to make sure your body is getting in calrories to remain healthy

...try begin the day with a protein drink that has at least 26 grams of protein per scoop, there are many wonderful recipies on the web on how to "doctor" the flavour to suit your tastes.

Low iron will make your body feel tired...try adding an extra dose of iron each day in the morning and see if that helps..also you state that you are getting adequate protein..but are you measuring that?? how do you know if you don;t feel hungry and forget to eat CANNOT get enough protein from just eating especially this early in your journey..get those protein shakes in, one in teh morning and then finish up with one in the evening.

You are doing wel on your weight loss, we all have struggles for the first bit..just keep in line and everything will fall into place.

JUst think you have lost 20lbs/month...and that's an awesome achievement.

prior to surgery 323lbs....4 years post-op maintaining between 108- 114 lb loss. 

life is AMAZING when you continue on the right path~!.  Use your surgeons gift to the fullest~!

surgery done in Duluth, MN

on 11/14/11 12:45 am - Cambridge, Canada
 So sorry you are struggling right now.
Everyone has given you great advice.

Try and post on the What are you eating post.  I find when I   do that's what I stick to.
Water, yes this is our full time job for sure.  If you fill a 1ltr container and drink that it is the easiest way to keep track of how much you have.  
For my vitamins, I bought one of those pill cases with each day of the week on them and it is on the counter in clear view so I don't forget.
I didn't start feeling hunger until 4 months out.   Everyone is different so you might start feeling hungry later.
Best wishes!


Dr. Reed
VSG May 24/2011

(deactivated member)
on 11/14/11 2:11 am
Maybe you should try some Diabetic Boost or Glucernia until you can get more food in. It will also help with your liquid intake. Stay healthy. You can do this!

on 11/14/11 8:47 am - Toronto, Canada
You may be lovin life but are you loving yourself? Hon, you have to put yourself as priority #1 - no excuses. Start right now please. I don't suggest you read the horror stories about not taking your protein, vits and water - they are very scary.However, if you are still stuck after seeing your doctors, etc. go and have a read .  All the best.

Highest W 312   Referral W 252   Surgery W 237   CW 156  Height 5'6"            


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