Guelph internist appt.

on 9/27/11 1:07 am - cambridge , Canada
RNY on 07/09/12
WOW  I just posted asking wait times for Dr.  Agarwal the other day and Linda just called with my appointment for October 28th woohoo.  I am sooooo excited I can hardly breathe....the ball is rolling fast now. I remember posting in January so many questions about frustrating wait times, being I had 7 whole months to wait just for orientation.  Well I can't believe that has come and gone along with meeting the SW, NURSE,& DIETICIAN twice already.  Now I am waiting for INTERNIST then all GREEN stickers woohoo.

So to all those just starting out with referrals trust this when I tell you there really is a light at the end of this long tunnel.

All the best to everyone,


 REFFERAL.....APRIL 2010    ORIENTATION.....JULY 14, 2011       SURGERY.....JULY 9, 2012                            


on 9/27/11 1:12 am - Canada
It's seems like such a long wait at the beginning, but you are right, it's almost here and well worth the wait I'm sure.
good to hear.
smooth sailing.
on 9/27/11 1:15 am - cambridge , Canada
RNY on 07/09/12
 thank you J I've actually been following you on hear and hope to have even half of your success.


 REFFERAL.....APRIL 2010    ORIENTATION.....JULY 14, 2011       SURGERY.....JULY 9, 2012                            


on 9/27/11 1:37 am - Canada
You are too kind, thanks.
it's amazing how one persons actions can effect others.

I remember watching the process of a few people who were before me and thinking the exact same thing.

we need to pay it forward.

You will do just fine.

Stefanie M.
on 9/27/11 1:14 am - Canada
That's great news!
I just got news from Guelph that it will be a year or more for orientation...I'm not impressed! My tunnel is long and I can't quite see the light right now....

Surgery November 26th 2012

June 2013 reached my goal weight!             

on 9/27/11 1:26 am - cambridge , Canada
RNY on 07/09/12
 I totally understand the year wait, it was also a year for me to orientation from time of referral.  I had forgotten that I even asked my doctor for a referral so when the paper work came in the mail this past January I was only thinking wow 7 long months just for orientation.  The tunnel is very long I get that, however use this time to research anything and everything you can about surgery.  I personally passed the time by food journaling...stopped all sweets...weaned off of caffeine (coffee) only decaf now.....found some awesome books by Geneen Roth....stopped snacking or grazing (especially after 7pm)....water has not been a problem as I love my water anyhow. I started walking everyday so that helped a lot.  Guelph  does seem to have a long wait time but once it starts it's a fantastic ride.  Hang in there it really does get better.


 REFFERAL.....APRIL 2010    ORIENTATION.....JULY 14, 2011       SURGERY.....JULY 9, 2012                            


on 9/27/11 1:36 am - Canada
Don't worry, try and put it out of your mind. Or think, where will I be a year from now? Surely well on your way. So it's something in your future to look forward to. Not the best advise when you have just put in your referral and are super excited about getting it done.

But the others are right in doing your research, you will be better prepared for the lifestyle change. I'm excited for you, I will be following your progress and we are all here to help and cheer you on.

on 9/27/11 1:26 am - Cambridge, Canada
 Great news!


Dr. Reed
VSG May 24/2011

Eileen C.
on 9/27/11 1:40 am - Cornwall, Canada
Good for you Stephanie, glad to see that you are finally seeing the light at the end of the tunnel, LOL,

a good one

Hang on because the ride only gets faster, LOL 

Take care and sending you warm hugs and waiting for the update with your surgery date, won't be

long now, only advise is ask to be put on a cancellation list for the surgery, may help to speed timeline
up, worth a try

            my angel is Lisa48                                        
on 9/27/11 1:43 am - Guelph, Canada
That's great news Stephanie!

Just so you know what to expect, when I had my appointment last spring, they had me walk up and down the hall a few times with a clothespin-type monitor on my finger and they noted my heart rate after each pass.  They also did a EKG (?) which meant a bunch of wires taped to my chest for a few minutes.

The doctor also wanted to see all of my prescription and non-prescription medicines/supplements/etc that I use, and he laughed when he saw my shopping bag full of bottles.  Only about half a dozen or so were prescriptions, but there were at least twice as many of vitamins, minerals, etc that I've self-prescribed for years.  He said that they probably do nothing more than keep the manufacturers rich.  Oh, well.  At least I'm used to taking lots of vitamins and supplements every day already, so I won't have to create a new habit after surgery!

At the end of the appointment he said he wanted me to undergo a stress test at the hospital, which consisted of getting wired up and walking on a treadmill for, well, as long as I could, which was probably less than 5 minutes.  In the end he said I was good to go!

Hope everything goes as smoothly for you!

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