5 years post op and need to know something
I have had great success but have had some recent pain. So I went to ER and had a upper abdominal xray. Nothing was found but they told me I only have 3 staples. I had a Roux n y done in 2006 in Guelph, but was under the impression that i had rows of staples. Is 3 normal? Do they stitch the separation also? So confused!!!!
I would guess that they meant three rows, as the rows are continous like a zipper rather than a row of individual staples
1 - pouch to small intestine
2 - sealing the upper remnant stomach
3 - at the junction of the Y
all would be fairly small ... I would think no more than a few cm each.
ps.... congrats on your long term success. I hope they find the source of your pain soon!
1 - pouch to small intestine
2 - sealing the upper remnant stomach
3 - at the junction of the Y
all would be fairly small ... I would think no more than a few cm each.
ps.... congrats on your long term success. I hope they find the source of your pain soon!
Hi Kim
Just a note, as per my surgeron, he stated that I was sewn as well as stapled, as per your surgeron,
you would have to ask that office staff, also contact them to see what your pain could be from.
Sorry to hear that you are in pain, you did not say exactly where your pain region is, could it be your
Take care and congrats on your weight loss journey, you have done fantastically
Just a note, as per my surgeron, he stated that I was sewn as well as stapled, as per your surgeron,
you would have to ask that office staff, also contact them to see what your pain could be from.
Sorry to hear that you are in pain, you did not say exactly where your pain region is, could it be your
Take care and congrats on your weight loss journey, you have done fantastically


The pain is right above separation site. on left side. have now had ultrasound, xray and blood and urine tests to no avail, so tomorrow I will be calling Dr Reed. He is awesome and i am followed for 10 years annually so he will have no problem seeing me. And atleast i have the whole report available to give him. Just so frustrating.
thanks for the support.
thanks for the support.