I feel a bazillion times better!!

on 8/23/11 2:27 am - Canada
Hi Everyone!!
I just thought I would let everyone know that I am feeling waaaaaayyyy better then I was a couple of days ago ***knock on wood***..I've been moving around a lot to keep the gas moving, my water intake has been getting better each day, I'm not very sore anymore..All in all I'm getting back on my feet..I have to force myself to relax and take it easy because I don't want to end up making things bad again! I am also down 20lbs!! whoo hoo!! I lost 12 on optifast and I have lost 8 more since surgery (which was aug. 18th)..I am still struggling with the diet though, I'm at the point now that if I even think of jello I gag..lol.. so I have been eating mostly broth, juice, decaf tea and lots of water!
I will keep everyone updated as the days go by!!
And all the best to everyone who is going through the same struggles!! Things really do get better!! Every day is better then the last!!
Referral sent to Guelph: April 2010        Second app (Nut/ Nurse): Jan. 31st/ 11
Orientation: September 16th, 2010        Surgery information class: May 10th/ 11          
Sleep Study: No sleep apnea                 Surgeon (Dr.Reed): July 19th/ 11     
H-pylori: Negative                                   PATTS: August 12th/ 11
(Nut/SW/Nurse): Dec.9th/10                     Surgery: August 18th/ 11                 
on 8/23/11 3:01 am - Pickering, Canada
 Hi, I'm so glad you are feeling better, it happened pretty fast for me, which was a nice surprise. I know what you mean, I HATED the sf jello. Yesterday I "graduated" to 1/2 oatmeal with 1/2 milk and it was amazing. Then I had cream of mushroom soup for lunch, I lfelt like I won the lottery! Let's just keep moving forward, and be grateful we have had this opportunity to get our life back!
I'm off to see Dr. Reed so he can take my staples out (finally) because of a few complications he wants to do it, but they look clean and dry to me yeah!
Monica M.
on 8/23/11 3:49 am - Penetanguishene, Canada
you're doing awesome!! glad to hear you're feeling better. As long as you're gettnig the fluids into you, its all good. Just wait till you can have full fluids, and then, omg an egg!!! it just keeps getting better.
on 8/23/11 4:25 am - Canada
omg.. an egg **drooolllllll*..lol.. I have been dreaming about eggs since I started my optifast..lol..
Referral sent to Guelph: April 2010        Second app (Nut/ Nurse): Jan. 31st/ 11
Orientation: September 16th, 2010        Surgery information class: May 10th/ 11          
Sleep Study: No sleep apnea                 Surgeon (Dr.Reed): July 19th/ 11     
H-pylori: Negative                                   PATTS: August 12th/ 11
(Nut/SW/Nurse): Dec.9th/10                     Surgery: August 18th/ 11                 
laura S.
on 8/23/11 4:54 am - London, Canada
So glad your feeling better!  I absolutely HATED the jello they served in the hospital, but found that the jello here wasn't nearly as strong and sweet tasting as it was there.  Better yet, the jello brand premade ones from teh grocery store have even less flavour!  LOL  

Congratulations on the weight loss!  You are doing awesome!!!!


on 8/23/11 6:11 am
I'm so glad to hear of your big improvement and it should only get better!

"The best way to cheer yourself up is to try to cheer somebody  else up"                     
      Mark Twain                                                       LW-Apple-Gold-Small.jpg image by PlicketyCatAnimation One      


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