on 8/16/11 4:39 am - cambridge , Canada
RNY on 07/09/12
Hello everyone, I just wanted to check in and let people know that I have finally got my cpap machine yesterday.  The mask is a pretty pink  lol and my machine comes in 2 pieces one is a humidifier that only uses distilled water.  Anyway i am sooooo excited that i have it and last night it wasn't too bad, tha
t being said it was only 1 night lol .....oh well onward and upward lol!!!!

All the best


 REFFERAL.....APRIL 2010    ORIENTATION.....JULY 14, 2011       SURGERY.....JULY 9, 2012                            


laura S.
on 8/16/11 5:06 am - London, Canada
Hey Steff,

Glad you were ok with it your first night.  I actually like mine and although I wake up periodically to shift the mask around, its still WAY better than before!  I have a really tough time sleeping without it actually.

Best of luck,


Onward and

on 8/16/11 5:14 am, edited 8/16/11 5:15 am - Canada
RNY on 11/07/12

I got mine yesterday too! I was surprised to get it right away at my first appointment with the sleep doctor after my sleep test - his office gives us loaners and then we buy it once we work it out with our insurance.

What kind of mask did you get? I got the one that fits in my nostrils instead of going over my whole nose. Last night was my first night with it too. And I feel pretty good today, not so tired, but that could be the placebo effect too.

Nobody told me the mask comes in fashion colours - lol. :)
on 8/16/11 6:23 am - Canada
 HUH??  You can get a pink mask???  LOL  Guess I'll be adding that to my Christmas list this year!!!  

Congrats on getting your CPAP.  Don't get frustrated with it, you will learn to love it.  I sleep so well now with it on.  

Pink!!!  I must have one!!! 
on 8/16/11 8:28 am - mississauga, Canada
a pink mask omg i totally want that!!!! i love my cpap and absolutly couldnt even think of not using it, and on a rare nite that i have to sleep without is a horrible sleep so glad you liked your first nite, congrats on it i know u will love it in due time it takes a few weeks to get use to it but when u do you will love it!!!
RNY 07/05/11 dr klein!!! love it soo happy xxoo!!
on 8/16/11 10:03 pm - cambridge , Canada
RNY on 07/09/12
Thank you all for your replies and comments lol...i was shocked to find the mask comes in pink myself but i do love it and i'm getting accustomed to it slowly.....the only problem i'm having is the pressure on the back and top of my head from the strapping....not sure how that's going to work out yet as i'm still new but it does create some issues with headaches...oh well i'm sure this too shall pass.  all the best to everyon again thanks very much and good luck to you all in your journeys!!!

 REFFERAL.....APRIL 2010    ORIENTATION.....JULY 14, 2011       SURGERY.....JULY 9, 2012                            


on 8/17/11 1:13 am - Canada
Pink mask! They soooo never showed me that one!  Anyways, I don't really understand something.  If you have apnea and you are a couple of months away from getting WLS and you prob won't need it a couple of months after, why do they make you go through all this?  Just curious.  I've had mine for a year and a half and fell a hundred times better, but I hope to be rid of mine in a few months...

Karen M.
on 8/17/11 1:19 am - Mississauga, Canada
It's important for your body to be in the best shape possible prior to surgery, hence dealing with the apnea.  Additionally, the anesthesiologist will need to know that you have apnea and are being treated to ensure a safe surgery breathing-wise, and you'll need your CPAP in the hospital to ensure you're breathing well after the operation.  Unfortunately, also, some people's apnea is not resolved with WLS, so they will have to continue with treatment anyway.




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on 8/17/11 1:26 am - Canada
I guess that makes sense. Thanks Karen. I hope I don't need it anymore.

Karen M.
on 8/17/11 1:33 am - Mississauga, Canada
Yeah, I was pretty darned thrilled to get rid of mine! 



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