Tanya T.
on 8/13/11 11:56 pm

So All my day has come and I will be having surgery tomorrow morning at St. Joe's in Hamilton @ 10:00am.

I am a bit emotional today about leaving my family tomorrow also frantically trying to make sure everything is in order before I leave at 5:30am but I am also very excited to start my new journey.
We had a small curve ball thrown at us this week as my husband was denied the time of work to take me but I have my BFF/Cousin (Who also had surgery 2 years ago) taking me so I have what I think is the BEST support ever!!!

I feel great, I have lost 20 lbs on Optifast.  If this is the start of things I think I am in for the ride of my life.  Can't wait to share all my progress and NSV's with you all.  You all have been such an inspiration and make the journey up to now so much more easy and comforting.

See you all on the Bench tomorrow!!!!! Hug to you all!!



Susanne S.
on 8/14/11 12:10 am - London, Canada
Tanya, YAY!! All the best to you tomorrow. Everything will go well. Not great hubby can't take you but great support person BFF/cousin to take with!
We had to leave at 4:15 for Guleph on Thurs and glad we did 401 was closed at 403 and took us an added 20 mins to get there, so glad we padded the time to make sure we got there on time. Get up and walk as soon as you can, helps so much. 20 lbs on rock! I only lost 10 (I was disappointed but figured my period starting at the end probably did something to screw up my #'s a little). Looking forward to your post when you are on the bench!!
on 8/14/11 1:15 am
So happy for you Tanya!  The beginning to a new life!

Wishing you a safe and easy one!

"The best way to cheer yourself up is to try to cheer somebody  else up"                     
      Mark Twain                                                       LW-Apple-Gold-Small.jpg image by PlicketyCatAnimation One      


on 8/14/11 1:18 am
HI Tanya

Al the best to you tomorrow.....great you have your BFF with is important...but you will be amazed at how quickly you will feel better - one week after and you are pretty good...

St Joes has a great are going to do fantastic







(deactivated member)
on 8/14/11 1:27 am - Toronto, Canada
Good luck with the surgery!  Let us know how it goes when you are feeling well enough to post.
on 8/14/11 1:38 am - Athens, Canada

All the best for your surgery tomorrow Tanya.  It sucks that your hubby can't be with you but I'm sure your BFF will be a big comfort and keep him informed.  I'm looking forward to moving over on the loser's bench to make room for you. Good luck and keep us posted.

Becky D.
on 8/14/11 2:43 am - North Bay, Canada
Tanya - I will be thinking of you and your family tomorrow and sending all sorts of peaceful thoughts!!!! All of your preparation will surely pay off ... everyone will be fine - and excited for your new start when you get home !!!

All the best - looking forward to your successes ...
I am right behind you - surgery on Friday at HRRH !  See you on the bench soon :)

Referral Spring/10 ~ Questionnaire Dec 27/10 ~ HRRH Info Session Jan 31/11 ~       Surgeon mtg/Gastric Class April 29/11 ~ Dietician/Social Worker May 30/11 ~
Dr. STARR meeting May 31/11
SURGERY AUGUST 19, 2011         My ANGEL is Karen M  
on 8/14/11 3:06 am - Hamilton, Canada

Tanya!!!!  I can't believe how time seems to have flown by (probably not for you though!)

Good luck and tons of wishes for a safe and speedy recovery.  Do you have someone you can contact from the board (or your cousin can) after surgery to check in?  If not, PM me and I will give you my cell to text me post op.  Let me know!


328 - Highest Weight
305 - Surgery Weight- July 26th, 2011

on 8/14/11 3:34 am - Canada
You will be in my thoughts and prayers tomorrow Tanya. I know you will do amazing!! I am exactly 2 weeks behind you. I look forward to your many posts of successes in your new life

All the Best

PS where do you live and who is your surgeon?
HW 305.5  Optifast 290 SW  276.5  CW 249 GW 148  My angels are Connie and Leanne
on 8/14/11 4:09 am - Ottawa, Canada
 All the best tomorrow, quick recovery! I'm sorry to hear your husband was denied the time off, Thankfully you have a strong support system with people willing to step up

See you on the bench
Referal sent August 2009 - Referred to Ottawa - January 2010 - Surgery - July 29th 2011!!!!    
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