Ok - so is this fair? (when I paid for mine)??
This was in the Ottawa Sun this morning...................
http://www.ottawasun.com/2011/07/30/woman-writes-own-obituar y
http://www.ottawasun.com/2011/07/30/woman-writes-own-obituar y
ok my son lives here in Ontario all his life, he lost his wallet with his all his ID he is now having a hard time to prove he is an resident as he has no credit card so no bills as all his utilities are included in his rent, he did manage to get his DL back but is having a hard time getting the health card bc they want 2 pieces of ID, i was with him so i asked if i could make a statement for him and they said no so i said what the hell is he supposed to do she did say he could use a landlords rent receipt so now he has to see when the next time he has a short work day to do all this \bull**** running around again... so is it fair you asked .. i say NO !!
and as for the red and white cards they are doing away with them i thought they no longer existed as i was told they where doing away with them and that is why i had to replace mine and my kids many years ago with the pic green ones, maybe they lied, i guess Gv'mt is all ****** up .. jmho
and as for the red and white cards they are doing away with them i thought they no longer existed as i was told they where doing away with them and that is why i had to replace mine and my kids many years ago with the pic green ones, maybe they lied, i guess Gv'mt is all ****** up .. jmho

There is also an exemption to the 6 month rule if you work out of the country. I was able to live in Japan for 4 years while maintaining my OHIP. The downside is that every year you have to reapply for the exemption, and it's a bit of a PITA when you live in another country. So yes, it is entirely possible that they are using their OHIP legally. Also quite possible they are not.
The Auditor General (a year or so ago) established that there are approximately 300,000 to 500,000 more health care cards out in circulation than there are actual Ontario citizens. Red and white ones, contrary to the govt saying so: have still not been changed over. A radio show here in town 3 weeks ago had caller after caller talking about having their cards red and white NON picture cards for over 30 years. Mine, I got back in the 80s, still have the same card.
The fraud is well known in certain circles. Border towns with the US - Ottawa is only 45 drive from the US border. Niagara Falls etc. Thunder Bay - Michigan (it is Michigan, isn't it?). Lets not even talk about the cards that get "sold" for temporary use for 1000 to 5000 bucks a pop in certain places with transient peoples that go in and out of the country. It's a lucrative biz - Paying a couple of grand to rent the card, instead of paying 50K for a surg.
http://www.teranet.ca/corporate/publications/Identity_Theft_ In_Healthcare.pdf
They delisted the DS, and I self paid, and yep - it ****** me off too.
The fraud is well known in certain circles. Border towns with the US - Ottawa is only 45 drive from the US border. Niagara Falls etc. Thunder Bay - Michigan (it is Michigan, isn't it?). Lets not even talk about the cards that get "sold" for temporary use for 1000 to 5000 bucks a pop in certain places with transient peoples that go in and out of the country. It's a lucrative biz - Paying a couple of grand to rent the card, instead of paying 50K for a surg.
http://www.teranet.ca/corporate/publications/Identity_Theft_ In_Healthcare.pdf
They delisted the DS, and I self paid, and yep - it ****** me off too.
When the photo health cards came out, I was going to get mine even though I didn't require one. I was told at the Dr. Office "why? You'll just have to keep renewing it. Use the red/white one until it wears out." When I got married 5 years ago, I HAD to get the green one because of the name change. Some of the clinics/labs here in Windsor have signs up saying if the red/white card is damaged in any way, including peeling, they have the right to refuse it.
Personally, I think they should just refuse all of them and force people to get the green cards. Make people prove who they are.
Personally, I think they should just refuse all of them and force people to get the green cards. Make people prove who they are.