waiting game

on 7/28/11 10:13 pm, edited 7/28/11 10:14 pm
HI everyone, I am on the waiting list for the group education class and then onto the wait list to meet with the Doctor.. Does anyone know how long the education class is and what all they discuss?? Also how long of a wait after that is it before I meet my Surgeon??? I am so excited to going through this process and to be able to soon start my Journey!!!
on 7/29/11 12:06 am
Sorry, I don't have any answers for you, but I wanted to say (as I did to someone else already today), that the waiting sucks, but it will all be worth it in the end.  You have a lot to look forward to!

"The best way to cheer yourself up is to try to cheer somebody  else up"                     
      Mark Twain                                                       LW-Apple-Gold-Small.jpg image by PlicketyCatAnimation One      


on 7/29/11 12:19 am
Click on the link in my signature, I created a website a few days ago with details of my journey.
It "may" help!

    ~Experience is what you get when you didn't get what you really wanted!~    

on 7/29/11 1:27 am - Canada
Hi there, I think your going through Guelph because your surgeon says Dr. Reed. At the information class you are there with about 8 other people and 2 dietitians and they just go through the post op diet in detail and answer lots of questions. My class was about an hour. I had my class on May 10th, I met the surgeon on July 18th, I met the anasthesiologist July 21st, I start optifast on August 4th, my Patts is on August 12th and my Surgery is August 18th. I hope this helps you a bit. At least it will give you some sort of a timeline.
Referral sent to Guelph: April 2010        Second app (Nut/ Nurse): Jan. 31st/ 11
Orientation: September 16th, 2010        Surgery information class: May 10th/ 11          
Sleep Study: No sleep apnea                 Surgeon (Dr.Reed): July 19th/ 11     
H-pylori: Negative                                   PATTS: August 12th/ 11
(Nut/SW/Nurse): Dec.9th/10                     Surgery: August 18th/ 11                 
on 7/29/11 11:02 am - Athens, Canada
Welcome to the Ontario forum.  The waiting does seem endless but you can always start to make one or two of the small changes pre-surgery which will make your life post-surgery easier. Just keep reminding yourself that this is awesome tool and really gives you a fighting chance to take your life back from obesity hell. My only regret is that I didn't do it years ago.  Good luck.
on 8/1/11 10:52 am
whats your yellow book date? Cause Im in the next group for for the education class and they havent told me who would be doing my surgery. I see that you have Dr Reed. Have you already seen the surgeon? I talked to Linda last week and she said end of jan is next for the class. then 4-6 weeks to see surgeon then 2-6 weeks for surgery.
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