on 7/9/11 1:52 am - Canada
VSG on 05/11/12
Hi there & congratulations on being so close to your surgery - must be so exciting for you!  Lucky for you that you were able to afford to pay for the surgery - that definitely speeds it up a lot!

Yes, it's been a long journey & you'll see a lot of frustration from people who are being made to wait for so long.  It used to be so much faster when we could go to the US to have surgery but now that OHIP has stopped funding that, the wait times here are much longer. There are so many people wanting this surgery and only so many hospitals and doctors performing it that a real backlog sets in. 

There are so many tests and appointments that we must go through to ensure that we are in optimum health both mentally & physically and that all adds up as the appointments are so often spread a long ways apart. Personally, I had my second last appt on June 28th & now must wait an entire month until my final appt on July 26 - how frustrating that I have to wait so long just to get my last appt which is with a physiotherapist!  After that, it's my pre-surgery class, then meeting with the surgeon, then, finally, my surgery which likely will bring me to October or November, so  yes, it is an awfully long process. 

I will say though that I do think people need some time to do their research on exactly how their life is going to change with this surgery & they need to ensure they have all of the tools (food, equipment, vitamins, protein powders, etc.) they will require. I have been reading and researching extensively as I want this to work for me.

Good Luck, C_D, I wish you all the best as you get ready for your surgery. I hope that you'll come back here and post once you're home again & let us know how it went for you & how you're feeling. 

on 7/9/11 2:34 am - Mississauga, Canada
Thanks.  I'm rooting for you.  You seem so calm about it all.  I'm like a bottle rocket, ready to go go go.  My family, who support me wonderfully, really wanted the summer to be surgery free.  I can't blame them.  I fell last summer and severed my quad tendon.  It was a serious injury that took months to recover, and their support was amazing.  My daughter just graduated as a nurse and she will be a great help.  She has promised to pester me if I don't exercise!

I am putting together a list of items I need for the process.  The surgeon's team has provided a lot of information, but I troll the boards constantly and there is a lot of info.  I have started to keep a copy of inspiring posts in a folder of Word documents and I will start to sample the various protein powders in August.  I am just so pumped to get going, but I'm a little scared too, since I am 59 YO. 

I'll be posting my progress when I get home and I'll keep an eye open to see when you get scheduled.  What type of WLS will you be getting?

Cheers!  Stewart
on 7/9/11 3:23 am - Canada
VSG on 05/11/12
Stewart, I'm having the RNY procedure as it seems like the best choice for me with the amount of weight I need to lose. 

****I've sent you a private email****

on 7/8/11 12:03 pm
 CONGRATULATIONS!!  Can't wait until I get my call!!  Best of luck to you!!  :)


Surgery:  November 30/11 w Dr. Scott Gmora at St. Joseph's in Hamilton
Highest Weight:  336lbs                  Current Weight: 250lbs
                          Total Weight Loss: 86lbs 
Kim O.
on 7/8/11 12:37 pm - Windsor, Canada
Congratulations. You must be so excited
referred:  Jan 2011   rec'd letter from WRH:  June 6, 2011   orientation:  July 14, 2011           SurgEd:  July 5/12     Meet the Surg.  Aug 9/12     Surgery Sept 7/12

on 7/8/11 2:40 pm - Ottawa, Canada
Congratulations Tanya, that is awesome !!
Good luck on your new journey, its only gonna get better from here :)


Submission for surgery -  October 2009            Info session - Jan 2010 
Nut & RN & behaviourist appt - Sept 2010          Follow up NUT appt - Jan 2011
eon appt - Jan 2011                                     RNY - March 4th, 2011 
Susanne S.
on 7/8/11 8:49 pm - London, Canada
laura S.
on 7/9/11 3:27 am - London, Canada
That's awesome!!!   Congratulations!


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