More delays for me with Guelph

Linda S.
on 6/20/11 11:36 am - Canada
I'll probably have heart failure if Guelph actually called me with a date to see a surgen. I am sooo upset right now!

I had my first round of appts. Dec. 14/11 and was originally told my surgery would be around April, then in March -  they said it would probably be  May, in April - they said not untill June, at the beginning of June - they said July or August. Now today -Linda said probably probably not this summer at all. They keep blaming it on Dr. P-H and Windsor, but it doesn't seem like they are doing very many surgeries there at all. I am so frustrated and I was told I can not transfer anywhere else just because of time delays.
Anyone else talk to Guelph lately?
Thanks, Linda
1) Referral - June 26/10                           4) 2nd. meeting with same - Feb.2/11
2) Orientation - Dec.9/10
3) Met with S.W. Nurse, Diet. - Dec.14/10

on 6/20/11 11:45 am - St Thomas, Canada
Members of the London group have had recent surgeries or are having surgery this week. They are actually added surgeries each week from what I have heard.


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on 6/20/11 12:08 pm

Part of the reason for the delays in Guelph is that one of the Surgeon's (Dr P H) mother has been very ill and she keeps having to take time off to be with her mother and I believe that is the reason for the current delays. I am sure once her mother gets better everyone will see their appointments start to pick up. I know it sucks with the wait but it will be worth it in the end and most people are waiting a minimum of a year before they are getting a surgery date so you are still ahead of the pack. Best of luck with the rest of your journey.


on 6/20/11 12:11 pm
I spoke to Linda last week and she told me end of summer or early fall. My Yellow book date is Jan 27th 2011. But with each passing week the waiting gets longer and longer. I think Dr P-H should take a leave of absence to deal with her family issues and they should hire someone else to take her place. In fact maybe they should hire two more!
Linda S.
on 6/20/11 12:24 pm - Canada
Hi Jenn, It goes by your first round of appts. with nurse, dietician and SW. Just wondering when yours were?
Thanks, Linda
1) Referral - June 26/10                           4) 2nd. meeting with same - Feb.2/11
2) Orientation - Dec.9/10
3) Met with S.W. Nurse, Diet. - Dec.14/10

on 6/21/11 6:18 am
I get that you are frustrated but we are lucky that these surgeon's decided to specialize in this type of surgery. The reason that there are not more doctors available to do this is that they don't want to. These doctors choose to do this surgery that save many of our lives. I think that it is a bit inconsiderate that you are telling her to take a leave of absence to deal with her family issues. Sorry I may sound harsh but why don't you go on another provinces website and see how long their wait is, we are very lucky to have the number of surgeon's that we have. I know it sucks waiting but she is an amazing surgeon and she will be well worth the wait. Again good luck with your process and sorry if I sounded to harsh but people have to understand these surgeon's are doing the best they can but they also have lives outside of their profession.

on 6/20/11 12:44 pm
oh Linda I feel for you. Nothing is more painful at this point than a delay.
Referral sent on 26 Feb 2010 - Sleep Study on 28 May 2010 - Info session at WMC on 14 Jan 11- Appt with the APN (nurse) on 27 Jan 11 - Dietician and Behaviorist appts on Feb 24. WLS Class 6th April 2011 - Surgeon appt 3 May 2011 Dr Yelle - Surgery June 6th          
laura S.
on 6/20/11 1:02 pm, edited 6/20/11 9:26 pm - London, Canada
Hi Linda,

They have moved on to December people.  Two of us from December 2nd got our calls a couple of weeks ago for July appointments to meet with Dr. Reed.  I completely get your frustration, but the people in Guelph really are doing the best they can. They are doing surgeries every month - at least 30 and Audrey mentioned to me that they had 34 scheduled for June.  Audrey said that no surgeries had been cancelled due to any problems any of the doctors have been having.  Unfortunately it is now summer, and they are dealing with limited Operating Room time, the surgeons taking vacations, the O/R staff vacations as well as more and more people coming from Windsor.  I know Windsor is really encouraging people to go to Toronto though, which hopefully will help.  

Try to stay strong and be patient a little while longer.  You are only a couple of weeks behind me, so I would think you'll get your call in July sometime to set an appointment to meet the surgeon depending on how much difficulty they are having getting O/R time and staff.  I know it doesn't seem like many surgeries are happening, but that is just what you are seeing on here.  At the coffee meeting in London last week there were people that had just had their surgery in Guelph and people about to have it within the next week and one in a few weeks.  They are happening, we just aren't seeing them on here much. 


on 6/20/11 1:14 pm - Harriston, Canada
Hi Linda
How on earth did you get your orientation and your first round of appointments all in the same month?  I had orientation in Sept/10 and first appt wasn't till Dec 21st I was told.
Anyway in March they told me it would be July for surgery however I still haven't gotten the call so now I'm getting worried it will be right around the same time I have to move my son to university.

on 6/22/11 10:53 pm
My date is Jan 27th. And Im not trying to be rude by saying that she should take a leave of absence because she's not good enough. I think its hard to concentrate on work, especially the work she does and worry about you mom. We all want our surgeries now, but when it comes down to it, our mom's come first. And if she is really sick then i wouldnt think anyone would hold it against her if she took the time to be with her. And yes I do think Guelph needs another surgeon because we have such a wide area of people.
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