
on 6/12/11 11:35 pm
HI everyone I am new here..I just had my first visit with the dietitian..I got the feeling I have to loss weight before my surgury but she never said how much, or if I will not have the surgury if I don't...Could someone please tell me what they expect me to do..I followed her food guide to a tee for 3 days and I was starved...Help Help Help
Mike Terry
on 6/12/11 11:46 pm - Staffa, Canada
   I see you are seeing the Guelph people, so I will relate my experience. They want you to show some loss in between appointments. Last time I was there I saw a memo in the lobby saying that they could deny based on gains between appointments. I'm glad it wasn't visible when I was going through my appointments because it would have sent me spinning a bit. I actually gained 3 or 4 on one of my pre-surgery appointments, they scrutinized me, as well they should have, but didn't make a huge deal about it. Thank god they pushed me through, because a light bulb turned on for me when my original surgery date was postponed (long story) and have excelled ever since. My short answer is that I think you are fine as long as you are trying. These people are here to help you and they realize that we struggle big time with nutrition and it is a process.
on 6/13/11 12:50 am - Harriston, Canada
Im currently trying to get through the process in Guelph also.  It is hard as they want you to follow all the dietary suggetions before hand and the implication is if you can't your not ready for surgery.  Im teriffied every time I have an appt and if I slip up and have a piece of cake or donut Im afraid when she sees it in my food journal I will be taken off the list.
Im not sure they are actually that strict but they want to ensure you can handle the changes after surgery I guess and every time I have been I have lost a few lbs.
You can get through it but not sure what will help with that fear at each appointment.

on 6/13/11 1:14 am - Kitchener, Canada
do yourself a huge favour now before surgery and show the dietitician that you are serious and you do want to committ to this life altering sugery.

give up the junk food including cake, chips, pop and stop smoking (if you are a smoker) and walk as much as you can every day(even if the walk is 5 minutes)  

they do understand we did not get big by eating healthy and are there to help us, but we also must help ourselves.   

you need to show them that you are serious about this, and remember the dietiticians hold the key for you to move to the next step - which is seeing the surgeon and hopefully surgery.

consuming cake and other crap, will show them you are not serious and are wasting their time.
Mike Terry
on 6/13/11 1:37 am - Staffa, Canada
 I second what Sandy is saying, sorry if my above post conveyed anything other than trying to help ourselves.
on 6/13/11 1:56 am
Hi Sandy!! I have given up going out to restraunts, and pop and alot of crap from my diet...I am very commited to this new life style..I miss understood something that the dietition said..She called today and I am doing great..I was just worried about my weight loss..And she explained it is not about the weight loss it is about adapting a new life style with foods that are good for you...Someone told me I had to loose 20 lbs and that is so not true..Thanks for the great advice!!! Have a great day..Barb
on 6/13/11 2:25 am - Kitchener, Canada
Sorry, if there was some mis communiction.

Glad to hear you are making changes before surgery. That is really all they ask for, is to show them you are committed. 

Your name will be in the yellow book before you know.

After all the consultatations and the three ladies (physc,nut, nurse) feel you are ready to see the surgeon, your name will go in the yellow book so that the receptionist can book your surgeon visit.
on 6/13/11 4:31 am
i went though Guelph too and they asked me to eat according to the Canada food guide.  when i asked about the Canada food guide not containing enough protein that i felt i required and that i was a little hungry she said to me that it's only a guide and that if i felt hungry that it would be ok to increase some of the protein/veggie portions as long as i made healthy choices.  maybe you could address that with them and see what they say.  i had a bit of a gain while i was going through the process (gained some of what i had lost by eating according to the Canada food guide) but that didn't delay surgery.  not saying that isn't the case now but just wanted to share.

Mary A.
on 6/15/11 2:40 am
wow...that's stressful, not everyone can lose weight becaus etheir metabolisms are wired diffently, if we could by follwoing (Canadas Food Guide) or some type of "plan" we wouldn't be requiring this surgery..and GEEZ I would think that Canadas Food Guide isn't for losing weight it's for being healthy.

Maybe keeping a food journal...and showing that to her next time you see her.  I had my surgery in the USA and I was on SF carnaiton for 2 weeks prior to surgery, but when I told my surgeon that eliminating foods alltogether would probably sabotage my efforts, he agreed to (1) small meal - dinner) with lean protein and a small serving of vegetables.

I managed to lose 9lbs 2 weeks and he was happy with that.

prior to surgery 323lbs....4 years post-op maintaining between 108- 114 lb loss. 

life is AMAZING when you continue on the right path~!.  Use your surgeons gift to the fullest~!

surgery done in Duluth, MN

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