
on 6/6/11 12:36 pm
There is always the hospital ombudsman,

Oknee's just gotta dance
Weight at the start of Optifast 378 T-1 OR Weight 352
Broke the 300 pound Barrier 13-Dec-2009 291.2lbs 01-APR-11 "onederland"
HGBA1C 5.2  d/c from the care of  my Endocrinolgist 09-JUL-10 "diabetes resolved"
10-MAR-11 Extreme Sleep Apnea (dx 2007) resolved-"b-bye CPAP won't miss ya"

HAVE A QUESTION ABOUT IRON AND/OR http://theironmaiden.ca/                

(deactivated member)
on 6/6/11 12:40 pm - Canada
Amen.............I could not agree with you more! 
Carpe Diem
on 6/6/11 12:35 pm - Canada
Oknee, that approach as described by you (though logical) is the exact opposite approach from what i've read here and from what we were told during our orientation. Everything i've read and was told was that when it comes to this process, cases are treated on a first come first serve basis.
on 6/6/11 12:39 pm
and apparently they are saying things that are incongruent with their actions. . .you either believe all the tell you or none.  Hospital Ombudsman. . .patient advocate. . .let them know your frustrations

Oknee's just gotta dance
Weight at the start of Optifast 378 T-1 OR Weight 352
Broke the 300 pound Barrier 13-Dec-2009 291.2lbs 01-APR-11 "onederland"
HGBA1C 5.2  d/c from the care of  my Endocrinolgist 09-JUL-10 "diabetes resolved"
10-MAR-11 Extreme Sleep Apnea (dx 2007) resolved-"b-bye CPAP won't miss ya"

HAVE A QUESTION ABOUT IRON AND/OR http://theironmaiden.ca/                

(deactivated member)
on 6/6/11 12:37 pm - Canada
I can certainly sympathize. I put in a lot of calls to the Ottawa clinic and waited and waited and waited some more until I just gave up on it. I never call there anymore, I call my family doctor. But for someone who have not yet had their surgery, I really feel for you.  It has got to be the most exasperating situation to be waiting non stop for a call back that just never comes. Good luck to you.
Monica M.
on 6/6/11 8:34 pm - Penetanguishene, Canada
I understand that its frustrating. But the people who have gotten their surgery dates already are walking a different path than you are. It's best if you learn now, not to compare yourself with others. You are going on your journey, they are on theirs. While they are similar, they are not identical. You will have your surgery date at a different time, you will recover differently, you will lose at a different rate. You are you, they are them. Relax. It will happen when its supposed to.
on 6/6/11 10:34 pm - Ottawa, Canada
I hear ya!!  Been there, done that!! There is nothing more frustrating than waiting for the phone to ring or to read about people moving ahead through the process while you seem to be at a stall.  If you can, give yourself an imaginary date 3-4 months down the road and tell yourself that nothing is going to happen before then.  That way when you do get a call you'll be early!  (Easier said than done I know.)  I was getting so stressed out about everything that I decided mind over matter, I can't do anything about it so I just let it go.  Believe me it is very free-ing!  Try to just breathe, vent when you have to and know that we feel your pain!

Referral sent 2010-03-02
Information session 2011-01-21
Appointment with the nurse 2011-02-17
Appointment with Diet/Behav 2011-03-09
Scope 2011-04-29
Education session 2011-05-04
CT Scan 2011-06-02
Appointment with Dr. Yelle 2011-06-28
Appointment with Dr. Klein 2011-08-16
Surgery - Hopefully!
Carpe Diem
on 6/7/11 1:40 am - Canada
You know, it's more than just the wait. I find it insulting.

At the core of me I can't help shake the feeling that the indifference they demonstrate towards us between appointments and contact stems from a form of institutionalized bigotry towards fat people.

I can't imagine any other group, other than perhaps the financially disadvantaged, being treated in such a way. I suppose we're to just sit here like good imbeciles and wait indefinitely till someone throws us a bone. We shouldn't expect call backs, or timeframes or updates or any other common considerations designed to keep us informed on the progress of our upcoming major surgery, the type of consideration that even a retail store will afford you when giving you a raincheck on an out of stock item.

It's just disgraceful.
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