my first optifast ...blahh any suggestions on how to make it better ???

tera P.
on 5/29/11 11:32 pm - Picton, Canada
I just had my first optifast drink , gonna be doing this for the next 20 days so really need to know how I can make it better ...any suggestions would be great .
Thanks :)

referral: October 2010, Orientation: Feb 14, Surgeon: March 18
SW, bypass class,dietician:April 29, pre op / surgeon May24 Surgery JUNE 20

on 5/29/11 11:34 pm - Newmarket, Canada
lots of recipes here:

hope this helps ;)

BELOW GOAL        Happily maintaining 4.5 years out!!   Life is GREAT!!!  Had my plastic surgery! 


tera P.
on 5/30/11 2:57 am - Picton, Canada
Hugely helpful will definately try these , it's
gonna be  along 3 weeks :)

referral: October 2010, Orientation: Feb 14, Surgeon: March 18
SW, bypass class,dietician:April 29, pre op / surgeon May24 Surgery JUNE 20

on 5/30/11 4:31 am - Canada
ive been on it for 2 weeks now i mixed it with crystal lite and i didnt like it, today i tried it with the rum essence/extract and it gave it a nice flavor, also pure cocoa powder,the peppermint extract is also good, jello mix (sugar free) and sugar free syrup....hope this will help. My nutritionist was the one who told me these were ok to have so i just didnt make something up if ur a bit concerned :) good luck
on 5/30/11 7:57 am - Canada
Add RUM and ice cubes, shake, don't stir,  and drink

(Being funny here, I think!) It's not called Opticrap for nothing!
Jennifer D.
on 5/30/11 9:20 am
lol, that's one of my favourites!! That and the Bailey's version ; )
          Thank you Cheri and Holly!
       Think twice, cut once! I've had 3 surgeries now, RNY, VSG and DS .
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2002 - RNY
2010 - RNY to VSG
2011 - Full DS-August 24th
                HW 311   SW 306  CW 235  GW 150
on 5/30/11 9:35 am - Canada
Shoot,,,I'm over 3 years out and wonder why I didn't think of the Bailey's version  when I was on 2 weeks of Opticrap prior to surgery?  It was in the dead of winter and I was fed up with cold sweet stuff...was desperate for hot soupy stuff in January and February 2008 before mysurgery...The night before my surgery I said Frick it and had protein consome from Protidiet for my last meal.
on 5/30/11 11:18 am - Toronto, Canada
Add a heaping teaspoon of pure cocoa - - it cuts the sweetness and gives it a natural chocolate taste.  I've also used a heaping teaspoon of decaf instant coffee in the am. I haven't purchased any syrups yet since I only had two samples but I intend to get a caramel no sugar added from Starbucks or Second Cup to jazz things up a bit. 
on 5/30/11 11:31 am
Try mixing half vanilla and half chocolate - it is yummy!
June 14, 2011 - Surgery date                
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