Switching Clinics??

on 5/24/11 8:49 am - Canada
Hi Everyone,
So I just have a question about switching clinic's. Has anyone done this? The reason I am asking is because I am currently going through the process in Guelph and I have gone through the whole process and now I'm waiting to see the surgeon and get my date. But with the overload of patients (from when the clinics were integrated) and now with Dr. PH being away the process has basically stopped. In the beginning I was told I would be looking at a March surgery, then it was pushed back to the end of April, then it was going to be in early May, then at my nutrition class we were told my group would be looking at late July and August surgeries and now it seems to be "indefinite". I know the waiting game is tough and everyone has to wait but overall my wait is over 3 years so far. I was really looking forward to having the surgery in the early summer so I could be back to myself and feeling better to get back to school and be focused for September 2011 but that just isn't going to happen now. So I guess after all my rambling; I am asking: can we be transferred to a different clinic for the surgery? Or would I have to start from ground zero and go through the registry, first appointments, etc all over again?
Thank you in advance for all your help!!
Referral sent to Guelph: April 2010        Second app (Nut/ Nurse): Jan. 31st/ 11
Orientation: September 16th, 2010        Surgery information class: May 10th/ 11          
Sleep Study: No sleep apnea                 Surgeon (Dr.Reed): July 19th/ 11     
H-pylori: Negative                                   PATTS: August 12th/ 11
(Nut/SW/Nurse): Dec.9th/10                     Surgery: August 18th/ 11                 
Allyson A.
on 5/24/11 8:57 am - Seeleys Bay, Canada
Hi Lovin, 
I was referred to Ottawa in Aug 2010 and then started doing the research on wait times and thanx to Erica's wonderful spreadsheet with wait times I called  Ottawa (Lana) and asked to have my referral moved to Toronto.  They moved it the next week and one week later they called for me to start my appts.   This significantly sped up the process for me as a friend of mine was referred to Ottawa in Feb 2010 and is still in the middle of the process with no surgery date in site.

Now having said all of that, my friend (from above para) was asked while she was at her nurse's appt if she would consider switching clinics, that Ottawa would still do all of the appts and preop and she would have a surgeon's appt and surgery at HRRH.

The easiest way to find out is to make a call to your clinic and ask questions.

Hope this helps.


HW 318  SW 291 

on 5/24/11 8:58 am - Canada
 Have you thought about contacting the bariatric registry and asking them? I'm pretty sure i've read about one patient having their file transfered from one centre to another. 
Sometimes the best support  you can get isn't all purple puddles and pink rainbows.

on 5/24/11 10:06 am
My referral went in to Ottawa but they called and asked if I would transfer to HRRH because the wait times were shorter there.
June 14, 2011 - Surgery date                
on 5/24/11 11:12 am
Hi there Lovin Life, I too am at Guelph, and I did call today cause my sister and I wanted to go through this together. We sent our referrals Feb 2010....well she had her surgery Nov 2010,    (ST Joe's)and it doesnt look like mine is coming till the fall :( Does anyone know the registry's number? I would like to inquire about moving to another clinic. I have had all my appt's done since Jan 2011!!! This is too much, too long.
Allyson A.
on 5/24/11 11:25 am - Seeleys Bay, Canada
When I had my referral moved I called the registry and they told me to call the clinic that I had been referred to. That my own clinic would do the transfer. So that is what I did and the rest is history.
HW 318  SW 291 

on 5/24/11 12:10 pm
when you did the transfer were all your appts done? Did you get to see the surgeon right away?
on 5/24/11 12:02 pm - Canada
Guelph is worth the wait time.  I had Dr. Jules Fuete-Neulong (sp?)  He was GREAT!  I would recommend him to anyone...great surgeon, nice man AND good looking too.  The hospital staff and nursing students provided exceptional service. We loved that parking was available and easy access to hospital, even if it was still expensive.  Your time will come even if it takes a little longer but right now I'm sure it feels like forever. Sorry for your long wait and the many disappointments along the way.
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