Is Dr. P-H from Guelph away or sick?

Linda S.
on 5/14/11 12:27 am - Canada
Just wondering if this is part of the SLOW process?
Thanks, Linda
1) Referral - June 26/10                           4) 2nd. meeting with same - Feb.2/11
2) Orientation - Dec.9/10
3) Met with S.W. Nurse, Diet. - Dec.14/10

Karen M.
on 5/14/11 12:35 am - Mississauga, Canada
I have seen it posted here that a member of her family is not well, so she is out of the country (I think) visiting.



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laura S.
on 5/14/11 1:04 am - London, Canada
Sorry I didn't respond yesterday.  Meant to, but got sidetracked at work. 

yes, Dr. P-H is away with her mother who is very ill.  She just left recently though, so up until now it's all just been the normal process.  Things are going to slow down a bit more.  I've heard it will be an extra month's delay at this point.  Hopefully her mother gets recovers quickly.


on 5/14/11 1:50 am
hum, I have an 18 month follow up visit with her next week...wonder if it is cancelled...
laura S.
on 5/14/11 2:55 am - London, Canada
I'd give them a call.  They may have you come in and see someone else maybe?  I heard that all of her upcoming office visits were cancelled and that Dr. Reed is taking over her surgeries.  Definitely double check though, because even if what I heard is true, that could change at any moment if she comes back or things change.


on 5/14/11 11:09 am - Cambridge, Canada
She cancelled my appt due to her mothers illness.
I was supposed to see her last August but due to her mothers illness she came to work two hours late and there were still 6 people ahead of me and when I went to tell the receptionist I had to leave she looked at me like I had two heads. I have a job and it's not a job where I can just pick up and leave whenever I choose to. If I say I'm going to be gone two hours for an appointment I can't turn that into a five hour appointment. I've decided I'm not going to go to any more surgeon appointments. For me there is no value in losing that time from work when I have no complications. I will continue to see the nurse and nut though as find those appointments to be of value to me.  

I understand people need to be there for their family. It's not a slight against her for that. I just have to be careful in the time I take off work and I have to children who I need to take to appointments so if I take the time off I need to be using it wisely.

I eat to live, not live to eat.


Sweet C.
on 5/15/11 12:00 am - Woodslee, Canada
Wonder why they didnt say anything to me when I was there on Friday about someone else doing her surgeries.. I get mine done on May 25th.. it would have been nice to know if someone else is going to be preforming the surgery
on 5/16/11 12:44 am - Canada
I would call and doube check that your surgery is still on. Dr. Reed is likely doing it, but what if he's already booked?

I had mine cancelled twice this time last year because of her mom's illness, Dr. Reed had to do mine later. Not her fault I understand that, but it's frustrating when you get all worked up and it gets cancelled. I'm sure Dr Reed is doing it, but you should know.
laura S.
on 5/16/11 1:48 am - London, Canada
They may not be sure if she's still going to be away?  Definitely give them a call.

Let us know.

Shiloh B.
on 5/16/11 3:00 am - Kitchener, Canada
VSG on 03/22/12

I was at Guelph today.  She is back.  Dr. Reed covered her surgeries last week.

July 2nd, 2010 - Referral for WLS from family doctor, MARCH 22, 2012 - Surgery !
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