Surgeon's appt for date

Lilla M.
on 4/29/11 2:31 am
Went to see Dr Huynh yesterday and the appt went very well They didnt have the schedule for July/August surgeries, as that is when they are booking surgeries now. So just waiting for the phone call and date. Sooooo excited and can't wait.

My Angel is Merly6800

Doc sent referral Dec 2010
H.Pylori Test Feb16, 2011
Bone Scan Feb 18, 2011
Sleep Study Feb 28,2011
1st Consultation @ Humber River March 7, 2011 
Dr Huynh March 14, 2011
Gastric Class March 30,2011
Nut/SW April  6, 2011 
Dr Glaser April 13, 2011
Dr Huynh April 28 ,2011
Surgery Date: June 15,2011
(deactivated member)
on 4/29/11 2:43 am - Toronto, Canada
I was really hoping for a July date and I dont see Dr. Huynh until June 1st .  Looks like I might be in Aug or Sept.  Ah well....more waiting....
Lilla M.
on 4/29/11 4:43 am
Simona, i now how you feel. I was hoping to get a june date. I guess in the end it will be worth. By the time we know it we'll be on the bench

My Angel is Merly6800

Doc sent referral Dec 2010
H.Pylori Test Feb16, 2011
Bone Scan Feb 18, 2011
Sleep Study Feb 28,2011
1st Consultation @ Humber River March 7, 2011 
Dr Huynh March 14, 2011
Gastric Class March 30,2011
Nut/SW April  6, 2011 
Dr Glaser April 13, 2011
Dr Huynh April 28 ,2011
Surgery Date: June 15,2011
Susanne S.
on 4/30/11 9:19 am, edited 4/30/11 9:23 am - London, Canada
Congrats on your appointment & date forthcoming!!!!
I am still waiting for my call from Guelph to meet my surgeon....I was hoping for an early July date....hopefully the call will come soon and I'll be included in the July dates with you.    What was your first weigh in date for Guelph (for the yellow book).  Mine is Dec 2.  Just trying to see where they are for calls to meet the surgeon.  
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