sarah telfer
on 4/3/11 2:14 pm - cambridge, Canada
 hello everyone,

i have been reffered to the Guelph General hospital for my gastric bypass surgery, I hace Polycystic ovarian symdrom, depression, and elevated liver enzymes. and currently in the process waiting for results for sleep apnema. I also have diabetes run in my family on both sides.
i am 20 years old, have been obease for over 5 years, my BMI is 42.0 and my weight is 260, height 5 ft, 6in.
I was wondering what you think my chances are of being approved for the surgery.
this is something i want more than anything, my family is 100% supportive.
I know i am still young, but this is something i have done countless reseearch on, and this is my last resort, i have done so many diet programs and exercise programs, i can't seem to get results.

im just nervous that i may be denied by the suregon, nutritionist, and social worker, am i worrying to much??


Sarha Ann 

on 4/3/11 8:16 pm - Woodstock, Canada
 I am of course, not an expert, but I'd say yes. They seem to be trying to restrict it to people that have underlying medical conditions, which you do, rather than people that are just overweight.

I was extremely lucky myself, I was 350lbs, but otherwise in perfect health. I was THE last patient sent down to Detroit (Henry Ford Maccomb), before they changed the rules and stopped referring to the U.S. entirely. It really sucks, as I know a few people that want it, but have already been denied as they "are otherwise healthy".

So much for "the best healthcare system in the world".

sarah telfer
on 4/4/11 1:16 am - cambridge, Canada
 yeah that's true. thanks for your input. thank you!

(deactivated member)
on 4/3/11 8:56 pm, edited 4/3/11 8:57 pm - Guelph, Canada
 i am under the understanding that if your bmi is 40 or over with NO comorbidites you will be approved. if your bmi is < 35 then you must have comorbidities... 35 - 40.. the doc must present your case carefully to the decision makers 
Monica M.
on 4/3/11 9:04 pm - Penetanguishene, Canada
exactly, you need a BMI of over 35, with comorbidities. Looks like you qualify. Just try to relax. You are worrying too much.

Before you place all  your worries in one basket, remember that gastric bypass is not a magic cure for any of the things that you suffer from, especially not depression. You need to deal with all the internal stuff, along with your weight. You should hook up with a support group for WLS people, you can start going now, even if you're not approved by anyone. Are you getting counselling for your depression? You may want to look into that as well. Is your depression under control, are you on medications? I'm not insinuating that any of this will mean you could get refused for WLS, but you need to take care of  yourself.
sarah telfer
on 4/4/11 1:22 am - cambridge, Canada
 thanks for your input.
could you tell im worried? hahaha.
yeah i've been seeing a social worker, i am depressed because of my weight, other than that,  i have a great life, and my future is looking good. :)
i am on ciprolex 10mg. for over a year now, but im getting started on anxiety medication next week.
and yeah i understand it isn't a magical cure. its going to be hard, but im determined to do it. 120%!
thank you,

Monica M.
on 4/4/11 3:21 am, edited 4/4/11 3:22 am - Penetanguishene, Canada
if you don't mind me saying, i hope the anxiety medication isn't something like Lorazepam, which can be sort of habit forming. Something like clonazepam has a longer effect, and is less habit forming.

You may be depressed because of your weight, but beware of "magical thinking", that "everything will be better, once i'm at a normal weight". it won't. you'll still have money problems, relationship problems, you'll still live in your crappy house, your mother will still be *****y, your kids stil won't listen, that woman you share an office with will still eat your lunch out of the fridge without asking... I'm being silly, but i hope you get the gist. All your problems will still be there, AND you won't have food as a crutch, like you used to have. Make absolutely sure you work on those internal things.

You are worth this. You need to put yoursel first, and make sure you have all of your ducks in a row before you start losing the weight.

oh yeah, and find a  WLS support group.
on 4/3/11 9:24 pm
From the info you've provided, you're likely to be a good candidate for surgery and you meet criteria. You may need to have a few extra appointments here and there to ensure that your depression is well managed and ensure that you are set up for success. But none of the info you have provided would automatically disqualify you for surgery.
Eileen C.
on 4/3/11 10:13 pm - Cornwall, Canada
Hi Sarah Ann

Welcome to the board

You appear to be a good candidate for wls and it is a good idea to attend some support group meetings, you will get lots of helpful ideas and suggestions as well on how to handle the waiting time, the feelings, that you are having, the tests that are required, etc. as well as emotional support.

I attended monthly meetings while investigating getting surgery and it was all helpful.  I will continue to go to support group monthly meetings in order to get additional support and to give support where needed.

Take care and good luck on your journey, wls doesn't happen overnight, it is a long journey, so be prepared for it, it is so worth it in the long run.  It is also a life long commitment.

            my angel is Lisa48                                        
sarah telfer
on 4/4/11 1:24 am - cambridge, Canada
 Hi Eileen!
Thanks for your input.
yeah i think im going to start going to support groups.
the waiting time is going to be a long time... up to 6 months here at guelph now to get my first appointment.  but i'm ready for this, and 120% committed to a life time of it!
thanks for replying to me, really . :) have a good monday!
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