Wharton Medical Clinic - Disappointed

on 1/27/16 5:35 pm

I had my first visit yesterday.  I agree with the other comments.  I was very disappointed on their intake to the program and the content in the program.  There are no clear goals set.  They did not even review what was my ideal weight for my height and age.
I will not return. 

on 3/25/16 8:05 pm, edited 3/25/16 1:06 pm

I got nothing out of this clinic and went for a few months. They did send me for cardio tests and sleep studies. I gained weight! No help at all.I would not recommend this place. They had i class on reading labels and said they only put on classes if they get behind.

on 3/31/16 5:47 am

You are correct in that this group of clinics is an OHIP rip-off.  The amount of counselling is almost non-existent. Had to remind staff to give handouts, which are very amateurish from an educational point of view (much better resources on the Web from reputable medical sites). Knowledge level and expertise of employees are questionable.  The major warning sign to run in the other direction is that the client never sees the same person, so continuity is definitely lacking.

on 12/2/16 5:13 am

i heard from co worker that she did some fancy metabolic test and went to some seminars. I don't want to get there only to find out not everything is covered by OHIP. Do you have to buy their scale, food and is that metabolic test free..???? I have spent fortune already on the Optifast diet and not interested in something like that. When I call I don't get straight answers just that I should come in for assessment.

on 12/2/16 6:42 am - Halton Ontario, Canada
RNY on 01/25/17

When I went, I did not have to buy anything.  All the tests were covered by OHIP.  I never spent a penny.

Like others have said, I too did not get much out of the program.  It seemed to me that it would be helpful for someone who had no previous dieting experience, never read a food label.   For me, I didn't feel they told me anything I didn't already know.  

on 8/12/16 11:58 am

I would like to offer my opinion also of the Wharton Clinic. I attended the one in Burlington. Unfortunately I felt like cattle being pushed through - just a number - they seem to have volumes of people going to this clinic. The nurses and doctors seem to be like new employees/interns and they are more interested in what the other employees are doing instead of the patient. I did not get a quality experience, to me it seems like its a money making machine. And although I had heard good things about Dr. Wharton, I never met him in the time I was there. It wasnt for me so I didnt return. 

on 8/18/16 1:27 am

I just had my second visit as well.  Very lackluster.  It's what I expected.  I was dismissed over my health conditions in the first visit and told to "eat" better.  

They looked at me like I  had 2 heads when I said "I don't eat fast food - McDonalds, Wendy's, etc", I don't drink pop or fruit juices.  I don't smoke or drink.  I had to tell them 3 times I have Sleep apnea and am not sleeping and thus exercising was tough but I was still getting in my 30 min of walking a day.  They didn't seem to believe me that I walked a min of 2500 steps just moving around my house during my waking hours.  

They did suggest I take in more protein - which might be helping, I don't feel as sore.

In my 2 visits there I've been the only person wearing an activity tracker on my wrist other than the people working there (and most of them don't).  They seemed shocked I had one.  

I would definitely say OHIP is getting defrauded by this place... there had to be 25 people there in my 2 hrs yesterday and we were all complaining about the wait times. My visit was 2 hrs from entrance to exit, 1.5 hrs sitting waiting in different spots, 2 min talking to a doctor  or someone who claimed to be one(I can put on a white coat and walk around telling people what a computer screen says), 10 min in a room watching slides that someone reads to me about food, 10 min talking to someone who had no idea about eating plans (she had been at reception my first visit there) and was shocked at my fitbit app and what it told her about my food intake, calories, steps walked, distance, active time.  She spent more time looking at my phone than entering information into my file but she was friendly and smiled a lot.

The real kicker is Dr. Wharton sells a book to help you.  $10 cash only.  I hope no one is falling for that.

on 11/30/16 4:33 pm

Before I try another OHIP diet clinic. Does this clinic hide the fees with making you buy things like the book you mentioned. Do they run you through all kinds of tests that are apparently covered by OHIP ? I've been there 

ddone that and not interested in yet another round of being a  vulnerable pawn in a doctors OHIP game 

on 11/30/16 5:19 pm

I have paid nothing except my time and parking fees.  I've gotten nothing out of them.  I bust my ass daily doing 45 min on a treadmill, 2 hrs a week of rollerskating plus weights and other fitness exercises.  I've lost 8 lbs since July when I got my original weight from them.  It's November.  I'm all for slow progress but this is ridiculous.  They  have no interest in even repeating the blood tests from my original visit that said I had high blood sugars.  They just keep saying "we'll give it a bit and look into it".  

I have some breathing test to see what  my resting metabolic rate is and if I don't get some positive results after that I'm done.  

on 12/11/16 3:35 am

Breathing test complete.  What a waste of more of my time.  She took some measurements with a caliper type device to work out some number to compare to what the machine says.  It said 1852 and the machine said 1642.  In 3 months they will do it again to compare and make sure the new numbers aren't lower because then I could be losing muscle instead of fat.  Again they don't ask or listen to what exercise I'm already doing and now they want me to do resistance training for 20-30 min 2-3x a week.  No doctor this time.  Just the "receptionist" doing this test and giving me results. Of course they want to schedule me in for this test again in March as well as another visit in January.  Gotta get those visits in... so they can charge OHIP.  Doesn't matter how I'm feeling or what results I'm getting... just get those visits in.

There won't be any more updates because I'm done with them.  I don't need to spend 35 min one way in travel time, plus parking costs for them to offer me nothing I can't find on the internet and still get the same results I'm getting.  I'll save OHIP the billing costs.  I am considering contacting OHIP to see what they have billed because I really do feel this is some kind of fraud on our health care system.


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