NEW - Canadian Bariatric Clinic in Burlington - now open
Good news
I had the pleasure of speaking with Dr. Wharton yesterday at the Bariatric Clinic in Hamilton General.
He has successfully opened the Canadian Bariatric Clinic in Burlington, Ontario.
It is a first of it's kind in Canada. The visits are covered by OHIP and they plan to operate with no waiting list to start in the programs.
The clinic will provide proper care for people with obesity. They will help patients with treatment of all aspects of obesity offering various treatments available including lifestyle modification, pharmac therapy, Optifast and they will assist in preparing the patients for surgery if they choose that route.
I know it sounds to good to be true, proper treatment for people struggling with obesity, but it is. They have been working hard to get the clinic started.
I am a patient the Hamilton General Bariatric Clinic. I had joined the Optifast program to better prepare myself for surgery (Optifast was my choice). I have been under Dr. Wharton's care for 8 months. Since I started with the Doctor and his team I have lost 105 lbs, dropped from size 54 pants to size 40. Shirts have gone from 4XL to XL. I am the same size as I was in College (I am now 41 years old). I am now very active and have a completely new life. I never knew it was possible to feel this good or be this happy. Surgery is still necessary for me and he is assisting me with this next step.
Like the other doctors I've worked with at the Hamilton Bariatric Clinic, Dr. Wharton honestly cares and knows his patients. Seeing the lack of care available for people with obesity he opened the Canadian Bariatric Clinic with a couple partners.
From the literature it states:
"The Medical, Surgical and Lifestyle Obesity Clinic"
- Lifestyle modifications (diets and exercise) while often effective in the short term, they fail to demonstrate a sustained benefit long term.
- When combined with Medical and Surgical intervention, lifestyle interventions can be sustained, leading to maintenance of weight loss.
Goals: Improvements in Hypertension, Diabetes, Cholesterol profiles, Cardiac Disease, Ostheoarthritis, Sleep Apnea, and other obesity related co-morbidities.
This is exciting news, these doctors care and will help us. Please let me know if you would like any more information

The website is, but there is only a page stating web site coming soon. The clinic is now open.
The clinic's # is 905-331-3974. A doctor referral is necessary, but if you contact them they will arrange with your doctor to get the referral.
Dr. Wharton is arranging to contact all the local support groups. He has been working hard to get this started and is very excited. If you don't mind could you forward me the contact info for the Burlington group, I will pass it on to Dr. Wharton. My e-mail is [email protected]
All the best.
Here is the website for JBN Medical.
There is a link to the form the doctor needs to fill out in order for him to make the referral. I was thinking of asking for a referral to him so that I can have a more qualified doctor follow me post-op. Do you think he will do this??
I am also a patient of Dr Wharton... that's quite the commercial Brian
I agree with you though - it is exciting to have something like this set up in Burlington. The leader of the Hamilton/Burlington support group, Debbie, is already planning to reach out to Dr Wharton (if she has not yet done so)
It'll be interesting to see how this clinic progresses - I am/was his first DS patient (I met him post op) but I was impressed because he recognized the DS for what it was. If anyone needs contact details for referral purposes let me know.
Erin - all Burlington doctors have his contact details (he has done an excellent job marketing) so just ask for a referral... you may want to additional care after Monday (Monday...holy crap girl!)

Now that he has the clinic open he is trying to get the word out. Today I am going to go shopping for a motorcycle. 9 months ago I had trouble walking. Then i joined Dr. Wharton's program. I have my life back and more, it's hard not to sound like a commercial.
I have spoken with Dr. Wharton about Debbie's group and has forwarded her info to him. He is looking forward to talking with her.
You can still call the clinic yourself and they will help you get the referral from your doctor. There is no need to wait.
Wow Brian that is so great to hear....I am having banding done later this month, I wonder if his clinic will do the banding, knowing that OHIP won't touch it as of yet.
It is about time people looked at obesity as a serious problem that needs support.
Drs Klein and Hagen at Humber River received funding to become a Bariatric Centre of Excellence, Klein is my doctor. I hope that more centres open up here in Ontario, I applaud
any doctor that will stand up and help us.

From my understanding this clinic isn't being funded by OHIP. The Doctors themself are providing the services. OHIP will cover the costs of the visit.
When I asked Dr. Wharton about lap band surgery I was impressed with his response.
He stated that not everyone can afford lap band surgery, he wants to provide care for all people with obesity, not just the one's who can afford it.
This clinic from my understanding will not be performing any operations. They will treat patients with all the other aspects of obesity and assist them when they need to go for surgery.