Nutritionist visit
Everyone probably different, but my Nutritionist wanted to know about my current eating habits. She explained to me how important eating protein will be after surgery, about eating slowly and small bites. She also talked about getting at least 64oz of fluids in a day, by sip, sip, sipping all the time. She and the Docter put me on a 1200 calorie diet before my surgery,(I did not have to do protein shakes, thank goodness) and gave me a list and amounts to eat. She also started me on a food journel so she could see how I was doing and offered suggestions on adding or eating less of certain foods.
Now that I have had surgery, I had to be on a liquid diet for 2 weeks, and I just ended my 2 weeks on soft foods. I just saw her yesterday for my 1 month checkup and she asked about what I was eating for meals, if I was snacking, what good food choices to make from this point on and to continue with my food journel. I will see her again in 2 weeks for my 6 week checkup!
She is wonderful and if I have any questions, I can call her at any time!
Hope this helps!

I went to the Nutrition Seminar at Edmond Hospital and they gave me a rundown of what to expect after surgery and what is important to eat and why timing is so important on adding new foods. It was very informative and I also received a packet of Dr. Gornichec's postop diet.
I also was hoping that this would rid me of edema and for the first 4 weeks, I did really good, but now that I am back at work full time, I am fighting swollen ankles and legs again. I am trying to drink more liquids as I think that will help me tremendously.
Good luck to you and Dr. Gornichec is awesome!! I think you will love him.