Moving ahead!!!!
Well, yesterday I went to Edmond, and had a sha'bang of tests done!!!
I had the EKG, ECG, ABG's,PFT's, and labs drawn. As my surgery date approches, I feel better about having the open proceedure done. I met a wonderful woman yesterday, that eased my anxiety quite a bit. I thank God for happening upon her, because I was tormenting my self with questions until I got the opportunity to speak with her. I am looking forward to seeing her on 12/29/05, just that little extra comfort measure
. A special thanks to Betty Naismith. I'm excited, and just trying to prepare. 9 days and counting!!!!!!

heather you will do great... i have the same dr as you do and i had open rny done as well... he knows what he is doing... and is really good at it... i have not had a single problem with anything honestly... his bed side manner needs some work though lol... i went in on friday morning and was out by monday afternoon... the staff on the wl floor are very friendly and know how to keep you comfortable... only had a problem with one lady in particular but it was just the one time... i hope they dont have to send you upstairs to a different floor like they did me the last night, cause they dont even know what to feed you, and never seem to check on you... so try your best to stay on the bariatrics floor... you will be MUCH MORE HAPPIER there lol... TRUST ME LOL good luck and your in my prayers
enjoy the journey it is well worth it

Keep your spirits high, you will do fine. I believe that God leads each one of us on the path that is meant for us. I had lap rny about 6 mo ago and don't regret it a bit. I'd do it again if I had to. My prayers are with you and your family. Can't wait to see you on the loosing side.
God Speed,
Tanya Cherry