Surgery on Monday! Last minute questions!
Ahhh! It's on Monday! Finally!
You know, I've waited all this time, and now that it's two days away, I've never been more apprehensive..
In all actuality, I know I'm prepared, but I keep thinking there are things I'm forgetting.. Do I have enough chicken broth? Enough jello? Did I get the right protein supplement?
Any parting comments? Words of wisdom? Pointers? Things to make the first couple of weeks a little less tough..
And just out of curiousity.. For those of you who had the lap RNY, how soon did you return to work/some semblance of normal activity?
I wanted to wish you luck!
I started lap but ended up open. My recovery was a little bit harder, but it only took me two or three weeks to start feeling somewhat normal again.
The best advice I can give you is to just take it one day at a time. Each day is a fresh start.
I used Dr. Floyd, and I know you will be happy with him! I'm over 15 months out. I've lost over 125 lbs, and I'm now pregnant with my second child. Life is good!
Best wishes sweetie! If you ever want to talk, feel free to email me. I don't post much anymore, but I always answer my email.