Hook 'em Horns

Hey Becky,
I saw pics of the fans and players and everyone looked so happy. It had to be sweet!!
I also read where Vince Young graciously reminded the press that he was once in Rhett Bomar's shoes. Messin up and all. Now I thought that was full of grace and class for him to encourage Rhett like that. Ever since OU played in New Orleans and the LSU fans there were so RUDE and nasty, I make it a point to remember to be hospitable. They were awful!! And I am talking before the game. Now, I know the Red River Rivalry, it gets pretty tense. Little old ladies flippin off the opposing team's buses and stuff, but it never gets mean like in N.O. So, I am just showin my southern hospitality and rootin for the Horns to whooop up on USC!!
After all, we are neighbors. And I just LOVE visisting Texas. San Antonio is a favorite. Good Luck the rest of the season. I'll be watching and cheering ya'll on. Til next year, that is!!!! LOL

Hey Girls! Just thought I would get in on the post's regarding my sooners and those dang longhorns. Now obviously, being a sooner fan my heart is bleeding crimson and cream after the big loss to Texas. I have to admit it is killing me. I must say that I agree with Renne about UT playing USC. I hope the longhorns get the opportunity to put a serious whoopin on those trojans. GO BIG 12!. My family will be cheering for you guys to win the whole darn thing. (that would make the loss a lot easier to swallow) Vince Young is a class act! Not a great deal of college kids with that much character anymore. Can't wait to see him in the NFL. Anyway, that's enough for now. Good luck Longhorns for the rest of this year. But, beware! Next year we are coming out swinging. LOL See ya!