Is it normal to feel like this?
I am having surgery in just 4 days. I found out last Thursday that it would be this coming Thursday. Great news right?! I think so, but WHY am I so darned grumpy and edgy?
My husband is a saint, we don't argue or fight. I have just been down right mean to him, snappy and offish. Is this normal? My anxiety is very high, my nerves are frayed. My daughter is supposed to be induced for labor tomorrow, the original inducement date was for my sugery date, which we just couldn't do.
Anyway, has anyone else felt this edgy before their WLS? I feel like I should have hair growing all over my body, bright red eyes & 10 inch fangs! Help!
Hi Reva!! Of course it is normal, with all the emotions running through your body at once, it's only natural for you to react to any kind of stress. You're doing a wonderful job holding it all together with what you have going on right now. Just try some deep breathing and relaxing music and see if you can't find a good place to relax away from everyone. Even if it's just for 30 minutes or so.
Take care and God Bless!!
Your friend, Pamela!
It is so very normal. Prior to my surgery I was ready to back out. I just completely freaked out. It will get better in time. Be ready for it to take a little longer than you expect. That way it will seem like it hasn't been that long no matter what. You will be fine and your husband will be too. You are so very fortunate to have made the decision to improve your life. It is life altering so get ready. A few months from now you will be looking back and thinking. "Gosh, what was I so nutty about?" Believe me girl, I am two years out and I still sometimes wonder how I ever made it this far. I wouldn't change a thing. Good Luck & God Bless!
Thank you! I am feeling sooooooooooo much better today. 9 days out, 16 pounds GONE! Woohoo! I had some complications and had to be put back in the hospital a few days back, but right now... I feel like I am on top of the world! :--)
My husband has forgiven me for being such a creep to him, although he did say it freaked him out a bit because we just don't fight. LOL. He understands though, my body is going through so many changes as is my mind. But it's a good change and I don't regreat having this surgery done at all! I'm thrilled with just losing the 16 pounds. 81 more to go and I will reach my goal of 145.
This board is the BEST! I have met some incredible men and women here, supportive, caring and just plain awesome!!
Theresa, thank you! I'm feeling quite well actually. You look GREAT by the way
I can't believe the weight is actually coming off this quickly, it's shocking. My husband even noticed before I did. I love it, I'm happy with this decision I have made. Will be happier when I can have a whole 2 ounces of Filet Mignon! LOL

That is totally normal. There are a lot of emotions you will be going through, so it's normal to be stressed and anxious.
With my experience with men....if you have a husband who is a saint and you don't argue or THAT is not normal!
I am so glad my surgery is over, the recovery period is mostly over and my emotions are getting back on an even keel.
Try to relax, take deep breaths and think about that new grandbaby!
The best of luck to you!
Joni from Alabama, who is just traveling around tonight.

Hi Joni! Well, I had my surgery and I feel GREAT! 11 days out now, almost 20 pounds gone! WOW! I can't keep protein down though, but my follow up appointment is this Thursday so I can talk to Dr. Floyd about that then.
Ummmmmm I'm still a bit grumpy sometimes though, but my husband just smiles and asks if he can get me anything
whatta guy!