:help: How long did it take Dr. Keith to get you approved?
Does anyone else feel that Dr. Keith's office is SLOWWWW? It seems like I am hounding on them just to SEE if they can get me approved. I call my insurance and they tell me "they have not recieved any calls". I call the doc's office and Crystal tells me "they have not returned her call".
I call the insurance back a couple days later and it take 2 seconds to get the info on what they need from the doc.
Uh Hello, if I can do this why can't Crystal
I called back AGAIN today to tell her I would be sending them all my doctor's medical records that the insurance company would be requesting. (hoping it would show her how serious I am and maybe light a fire under her.)
I don't want to **** her off. But if I can get the ball rolling in NO TIME. Why can't they!
Has anyone else had problems with there office seeming SLOW??

Hi Julie,
Is your insurance company requesting your medical records before they will give approval? I just started out with Dr. Keith's office and I was told they send a pre-determination to insurance first then go from there. Maybe when they sent in the pre-d your insurance company wanted your medical records for approval?