A newbie here.
I am planning on having surgery. I was approved last year for surgery w/ Dr. Warnock in Witchita Falls, TX. I changed my mind after some people talked me into trying to do it on my own.
I did succed really well for about 6 months, then started to slid back to old habits. I went from 271 to 215 from May till the end of Oct., and I had also lost 20 pounds from Feb. until May. Then I started back to old eating habits around the end of Oct. through Thanksgiving. I had lost a total of 81 pounds from Feb. 2004 up until the end of Jan 2005. I was originally 291 Feb. 2004,and had lost to 208 on the 21st of Feb. ( I had joined WW for the umpteemths time to get their new program.)
This time I am determined to follow through with this. The Church I attend now has 2 people who has had the surgery and done well. The people are my Pastor's wife and her daughter, and they are encourgeing me to do it.
I am determined to tell just a very few people that I am going to follow throught with the surgery, so they will support me in doing this, so I do not get discourgaded and talked out of it by well meaning people.
My own daughter had the surgery done a couple of months ago. She lives in anothe state, so she used a different Dr.
This has been a on-going thing in my life of gaining and losing many pounds. Any where from 50-100 pounds many times over in the last 33 years.
I am going to use Dr. Pearce. He is highly recommend by a co-worker who had it done last year with him. Plus he will do laproscopic surgery if possible where as the Witchita Falls Dr. will not do it except by full open surgery.
I am in the process of getting my paperwork sent from the orginal Dr. who was going to do the surgery to Dr. Pearces office. My insurance company will wave me doing the 6 mo. weigh- in with the Dr. since it is less than 2 years. When Dr. Pearce's office gets this paperwork they will tell me on what needs to be done from that point.
I just want support form you-all, as well as advice I might need.

Hi Patricia! I'm Denise, new here too and originally from Duncan. My aunt J, who also lives in Duncan, had surgery w/Dr. Warnock Jan 2004 and by Christmas of this year had lost 140 lbs. She got her life back. She used to be the "fun one" in our family - man she was always up for everything and life with her was a blast. She'd gotten to the place where she had to sit in a lawn chair to play badmitton with her grandkids - now she has her life back.
I'm looking to have DS surgery and praying for the obstacles to be overcome - the sooner the better. I'm a firm believer that a whole lot of people can lose weight but the stats back up the fact that most of us can't keep it off - and MO and SMO people probably can't lose enough to make a drastic difference in their health in the first place. Those people who try to talk you into doing the same thing that you've tried and ultimately failed at before ( keeping it off) have NO idea what they're talking about. They think that they do but there is no concept there whatsoever. They're full of beans.
Good luck on your journey!
Hi patricia! I am in Lawton as well. I didnt have my RNY done here. I had it done while I was in NC. However, a good friend of mine had hers done by the same dr there in the Falls. She is doing wonderfully. No complications at all! I am 13 months out and have done really well.. No regrets here. If you wanna chat.. just shoot me an email!