Cancer Patient Spouse Needs HELP!
She needs an income. She needs to go back to work, but he needs her at home. (He's VERY hard to deal with!)
The in-home health care ppl told her she cannot work for her own family, she's a CNA. And there aren't any nursing homes close to where she lives, south of Warner, that she could, in all conscience, be employed. ( If you know most nursing homes, you know what I'm talking about!)
Plus, she's all but raising her granddaughter. That's a good thing; it enables her to recieve food stamps.
Her husband is a vet, so he goes to the VA in Muskogee, when he has too.
If anybody has any ideas, feel free to hollar at me.
She's a really good friend of mine, and she's about at her wits end.
's, Janet~

Thank you Tabitha,
I have no ideas either,
I was hoping somebody else might.
She's got checks bouncing
all over Green Country!
And, to top it off, his
mother is in a home in
Muskogee and my friend is
the one who makes sure she's
being properly cared for. She's
moved her twice in the past year
due to improper treatment.
I thank you for your prayers
and well wishes. I know she'll
appreciate them...
's, Janet~

Janet - I think she should try home health. There are always elderly people who need cared for and she doesn't have to deal with a nursing home. I have several family members who do that in Tulsa and make about $10.00 per hour. A few of them have not nursing training at all. Tell her she is in our thoughts and prayers.
I also do not have any ideas.. but my prayers are with her and you.. I know no more shoes drop for you and things get going where they should....Prayers can work wonders.
. Has she checked with any churches to see if she can get some help there... or is her husband ready for some Hopsice help,, maybe they have some resources that could help them...
PS... There are a lot of good nursing homes and good nursing people working in them.. I am sorry those near her are not....

Thank you Sharon.
I will pass on the info to her.
I know all nursing homes aren't bad,
but she and I know most of them
in the area, and know how they're
run and by who. I guess it's a
conflict-of-personalities thing.
Not meaning anything offensive; sorry...
Most CNA's do their job well; above
and beyond. It's usually the ppl in charge
who are the problem.
Thanks again...Janet~