looking for oklahoma doctors to do the lapband
You really need to call Dr. Floyd's office at (405) 341-0511. He has been doing Lap Bands for quite a long time and is very knowledgeable about all WLS proceedures. He will be able to advise you on all your options. Also, the care you will receive at Edmond Hospital is second to none. Don't settle for inferior care when the best is available right here. Dr. Floyd is also very caring and supportive throughout your entire journey. You need a surgeon that is there for your follow-up care including fills and the psychological trials of extreme weight loss. Give him a call. If you have any questions you are always welcome to call me or email me too. (405) 285-8862 or [email protected]

Dr. Floyd has been doing the Lap-band for over a year, but I am not sure exactly how long. What I can tell you is that it takes far more tallent to successfully perform RNY surgeries than lap-ban surgeries from a surgical skill standpoint. He is an excellent surgeon and I strongly recommend him for either proceedure. His follow-up care and understanding are amazing and the staff is very supportive too.
Hope that answers your questions.
I see you used Dr. Floyd of Edmond, I had a consultation with him and 3 others. I am leaning towards him becuase he is the least expensive. Can you give me more info about why you would recomend him. Also, do you attend support meetings I started attending Okalhoma bandsters. Most of them are Dr. Keith's patients. HELP!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Thank you
Melanie Berry, Blanchard
I also posted to your string, but just wanted to welcome you to attend out support group meetings. We meet 2 times per month and have an active yahoo group. We support all types of WLS in our support group. The name of our group is OKCRNYNEWBEGINNINGS but we have several patients that have had proceedures other than the RNY it is just that when the group was founded that was the only proceedure being used by our members, boy has that changed in the last 4 years. Come check out our site at:
Sherry Gates High

Dr. Ronnie Keith does both Banding and RNY....has been doing them for many years.
Phone Number 360-7100