HB Strawberry Shortcake!

OMG!!! Thanks so much!!! I had taken a little break from the boards when I was denied again by my insurance for surgery. I got really depressed and it hurt to read everyone's great experiences when I had just been denied the same opportunity. Well I am through feeling sorry for myself and I am getting an attorney! lol
I missed you guys!
Keep your chin up and keep pushing. It will happen. It took me 1 year and 3 months to get approval and that was after I had tried to go on a 6 month doctor supervised diet to satisfy my insurance requirements. So, I guess it was 1 year and 9 months from the time I started trying until my surgery. I like you got frustrated for a while but hopped back on the wagon and started to pursue my goal again. It will happen. It is so worth it. I will keep you in my prayers.