Dr. Walton
I went to see him for the first time in Oct 2004, but I had some health problems (endometrial cancer) to clear up and be released from before I they would submit my paperwork. I got released in early March and Robin submitted my paperwork and it was approved in like 1 day. So my surgery was set up for April 4th so I could get my sleep study done (soo not fun)! If you want to know how long the actual surgery took, I am not really sure, they took me back to the OR around 8:00 and the next thing I remember is the next day. My hubby said they brought me to my room before lunch, but I don't remember it at all! If I can answer any other questions just holler, or you can email me if you can't holler loud!

I also had Dr Walton for my surgeon.. He and his office staff are great to help to get you thru things. Robin is really a great help.. I had trouble with my insurance and she helped me fight things all the way. I f I can answer any qusetions or reassure you in any way , let me know... I hope all goes well for you. Sharon