VBG revision/ Dr Pearce
I am just wondering if Dr. Mason Jett performed your VBG? He did mine in 2002 and I only lost 49lbs and have regained 29lbs. (Well actually I started trying to lose weight again in March before I go have a revision so I have lost 21lbs) I would just like to compare stories if you would like!
My VBG was the same day as yours, and yes it was Dr Jett. I did really well for about a year and a half. I lost 90 pounds but have since gained 30 back. Dr Jett didn't seem to think anything was wrong even though I was gaining. I went to Dr Pearce and Dr Floyd, they performed a scope and found my band has opened. They say the failure rate is very high with a VBG. I'm awaiting approval from my insurance now.
What a coincidence! Same day and same doctor! I recently had an Upper GI and they told me my band has either come apart or is just too wide. I felt like something was wrong from week 1. Dr. Jett always blew me off and told me nothing was wrong and to just keep eating 2 ounces. 2 ounces! I was literally starving myself! The people that did my upper GI even agreed with me and said it probably happened very early on. So the first 9 months I lost a whopping 49lbs (probably mostly on my own)! Did you feel like Dr. Jett was a very good surgeon? I just feel like he wasn't very nice and didn't really listen to me. He actually wrote in my medical records that I was non-compliant and eating fast food and drinking soda. This was so wrong! I told him once I ate 4 breadsticks, that doesn't equal always eating fast food! I also don't drink pop, I have NEVER liked pop! Sorry to ramble I just have such strong feelings about this. I almost wish I could sue him or something. I have a question for you: to get the revision are you having to qualify for surgery all over again? like do you have to have a BMI over 40 or 100lbs overweight? Do you have to ahve the same pre-op testing, like a psych evaluation? I feel like I already jumped through hoops to prove I needed WLS and now I will have to do it all over again!?! Thank you for responding and I hope everything goes well for you, please keep me updated!
Your story is exactly like mine, word for word. How many of those little plastic cups do you have? Seems like every time I saw Dr Jett, those were his solution even though I told him I was hungry. He did my original surgery then assisted my plastic surgeon last August, he said I had a hernia but after the surgery said I didn't. Who knows? I'm now seeing Dr Pearce for my revision. He is so much more thorough than Dr Jett. On my 1st surgery, I only had an office visit and he determined I needed the surgery. Drs Pearce and Floyd have sent me for a scope & upper GI, a pulmonologist test, and to a psychologist. The day before the surgery, they do blood work and an ultrasound on the legs to check for clots. Plus the bariatric unit at Edmond is very nice, set up just for their patients. They say a revision is easier to approve than the original surgery. They also have a monthly pre-op and post-op meeting each month. My sister had surgery 2 weeks ago, so she and I will go to the next one, April 28th.
Those stupid little cups! I wanted to bring a gallon with me the next time I went and say "this is more like it!". My dog thought the little cups were the greatest chew toys invented
. I also got the story about having a salad with 5 veggies in it everytime I saw him, I remember this cause he always said a garbonzo bean. It's like he never listened to you because he already had a speech prepared for no matter what you had to say. Have you seen what he wrote in your medical records? I was shocked to see that he wrote I was non-compliant, I think he was just trying to cover his butt since people were probably failing all around him. I was told by one surgeon's office that I will have to do all of the testing, which is kinda fine cause I never had them with Dr. Jett. The only test he gave was sticking his finger up my butt! Well I am so happy to hear that everything is going so well with your revision. You have, I believe, 2 of the best doctors in Oklahoma now. I am sure all will go well. I hope they are right about revision's being easier to approve, I have heard exactly the opposite so who knows! Do you have a surgery date yet? Please keep me updated. You will be in my prayers.
P.S. I have been told Dr. Jett no longer performs bariatric surgery. I was so relieved when I heard that! I have a very strong feeling we are not his only failure's out there. I do believe the VBG is a bad surgery but I also feel like our surgeon wasn't very good either.

Sounds like he has the same story for every patient. I was told by his office, he quit doing VBG due to the malpractice insurance going up. I was never told the failure rate is so high. My insurance no longer covers VBG. I'm planning on surgery toward the end of May, I'm waiting on Aetna to approve. Will let you know of any progress. Have you considered Dr Pearce for the revision?