Hi everyone! I had my con...
Hi everyone! I had my consult with Dr. Keith yesterday. All went well and I am ready to get this done. I have pre-op tests to be done with Psychologist, Dietitian, Physical Therapy and Pulmonary. They should call me to set up appts. within a week. Dr. Keith said I could have the surgery within 3 weeks (wow!). I have a problem tho. I have been called to Federal Court for jury duty and I am obligated to the court for 4 to 5 weeks. If I have medical reasons not to serve they must be written and in the courts hands no later than two weeks prior to serving, I am to late for that. I report for jury duty this Monday. Kinda hard to schedule pre-op tests during this time. So this may very well prolong everything. Makes me sad. I am praying that the courts dont need me and will dismiss me. I will keep all updated.
I said "howdy"
to you on the LOD board but I'll say Howdy!! again from the Oklahoma Board. Hope the jury duty thing works out in your favor. A man my DH works with was called in February and was committed like you for 4 to 6 weeks. He sat there for 2 days and was rejected by several cases...he showed up the 3rd day and was rejected for that case as well and was then released. Hopefully they won't take 3 days to decide they don't need you.
Good luck with your journey!!