Oklahoma Medicaid
Has anyone had any luck with getting the Oklahoma Health Care Authority to pay for WLS? I have been trying for months. They told me to send in the paperwork. I did in NOVEMBER. I called last month. She says it is still under review, she'll call me. Uh huh. Yeah right. So I call again last week. ( I hate waiting for peeps to call me) And talked to another lady who says they CANNOT FIND MY FILE!!! They know they had it. They just have lost it. She also says she will call me back. When she finds it. I have called three times since. She will not take my calls. Someone else told me today they think the peeps in "review" have the file. So, logically, my next demand is to send me to them. They say they are not allowed. GRRRRR!! I have talked to an atty. But I really do not want to wait that long. (Filings, deps,hearings, etc.) So, I may pay for it myself. I just want to know if I should wait and see if they'll pay for it or am I wasting my time??
You ever heard the saying "The squeeky wheel gets the grease" ? Call them everyday or even twice a day till you get the answer. Cant get a straight answer.....ask to speak to their supervisor..etc...etc. The more noise you make the better your chances are of being heard. Now get off the internet and make that call..................LOL

It's funny you should say that. 'Cause that is exactly what I have been doing for the past 2 weeks. EVERY DAY.
So, I find this site last night. The Centers for Medicare and Medicaid. I call them this morning. (they're in Maryland) They give me the number to the Oklahoma Director of Medicaid.
So, naturally I call them next. I start telling her my problem and she asks,"Is this Renee?"
Ha Ha Ha. LOL LOL LOL They already knew who I was because I have been causing such a stink!! I almost died trying to keep from laughing. I asked how she knew who I was. She just said she's gotten a few calls this week.(it's Tuesday
) N E way, she has called me twice and no, they do not have my records in "Review" like they have been telling me they did since December. She asked me where I sent the records and I just happen to have the addy written next to all the info I take during every call to them. She has apologizes and stated that heads are definitely rolling. She also said that WLS is a sticky gray area. She is no way implying that my case will be approved. She is just upset at the handling of the situation. If nothing else, a denial should have already been issued. Or best case, an approval. Which is another dilema. Medicaid has burned about every Dr. in OK. I called Dr Gorospe's office and they have 20 UNPAID surgeries from Medicaid!! That is outrageous.
I should be hearing back from her again this afternoon. We'll see.