Hi, I am new to this board and new to the whole weight loss surgery thing. My doctor has recomended weight loss surgery and a doctor. I have started the process and have a consult. date set for April 6th. I am starting to get excited about it and my husband and kids are excited for me. I haven't told my parents and sister yet because they will never approve. I will wait til my surgery date is set before I tell them, I dont know why I am having such a hard time with telling them its driving me crazy. Have any of you experienced any negitive responces from family members and how did you handle it.
I recently had WLS surgery and still have not told all my family. The only people I have told are my husband, daughter, sister and a couple of friends. I just didn't want to hear all the horror stories they have heard on the news. My parents are the type of people who view this as the easy way out. My mom keeps telling me I need to go swimming to lose weight. Cute huh? Thats more of a visual than most of us need
Well, I hope things go well for you and good luck on making the decision to tell your family.
D. Pearce

I would suggest having those family members go to a seminar. That is what I did. My mom hit the roof when I told her I was going to have surgery. I also told her there was nothing she could say or do to change my mind. There was also nothing I could say to change her mind about how she felt. She knew the doctor in the town she lives in and I asked her to please call him and see if she could go to one of his seminars. She called him the very next day and scheduled to go to his seminar. Since she knew this doctor personally, she got preferential treatment from him and he answered everyone of her question. She called me the very same night after the seminar and told me she fully understood that I needed to do this. She is so very thankful that I had this surgery because it took away all of my health problems and left me being a much happier person.
Good luck with your family. The seminar is defiantly what I recommend for your family.........they can asked their own question and get valid answers from someone other than yourself that knows what they are talking about.