Edmond Medical Center
I just wanted to share my opinion about this hospital. I know that many people hoping to have the surgery (that know little about the surgeons or hospitals) visit this board.
First, let me begin by stating that I had RNY surgery 9/14/2004 by Dr. Floyd. His office is in Edmond. Dr. Floyd was GREAT. The nursing staff at Edmond was also great. But I don't have that many memories. Everything was kind of a blur. My surgery was done laproscopically and I couldn't be happier. Unfortunately, I have developed an ulcer, but that's due to arthritis medications I was taking.
On March 8th, my husband had RNY surgery - again, Dr. Floyd was the surgeon and it was at Edmond Medical Center. Scott's surgery was uneventful. It was done laproscopically.
Scott's remnant stomach did bleed some, which is a known risk for the surgery. When it happened, the nursing staff acted very fast. Within ten minutes, he had a second IV and was ready to receive blood products. His stomach stopped bleeding on its own and he did not need another surgery. Dr. Floyd came to see him several times a day and called the nurses to check on him. In addition, the nurses were PHENOMONAL! They were so caring and compassionate. I was really surprised!
In fact, when Scott had arrived at the hospital Tuesday morning, he was given these little "circles of excellence." They were little circular certificates that you could award to two different nurses for excellence of care. At first, I thought "well, that's a little silly. I won't know any of the nurses well enough to be comfortable giving them the cirlcle." I thought it would feel fake.
But, when Scott was bleeding and the nurses were totally wonderful, I wanted a little circle to give to each one of them! I cannot understate how wonderful these nurses (including CNA's) were. They were awesome! Truly awesome!
Scott and I chose to award the certificates to nurses Laurie and Yolanda. Although each of the nurses were GREAT, these two were exceptional!
Throughout the ordeal, Scott got the best medical care we ever could have imagined. . . and I got support, encouragement and compassion from these angels.
So, if you are new to weight loss surgery and just looking into this, I HIGHLY recommend Edmond Medical Center and Dr. Floyd. They just took so much time and care with us.
I know. They are all just FABULOUS!
I have been to one meeting! LOL We live in Te****eh, which is about an hour from OKC, and an hour and twenty minutes from Edmond. But, the real problem is child care. My little rug rats are 2 and 4. It's hard to find someone to watch them.
now that my hubby is post op, hopefully, we can try to make some meetings.

I have to agree about the staff at Edmond. They are wonderful. I had WLS in Norman last April. Had some issues with it. Dr Gorniach fixed me all up on Feb 1st. I loved them all there.. Then I had another surgery at Edmond March 15th. They were the most caring nurses. Even though it was tumors on my kidneys, I was on the gastric floor, with Diane, Nancy, Yolanda. And many several more nurses and aids. I had no issue with them. They were caring and wonderful.. Matter of fact I was in there 4 days. And each and everyone of them hugged and kissed my check before I left. I guess you get treated good, If you treat and respect them as well.. Anyway, Edmond will be the only hosp. I will go to for surgery and anything else..
Well, I too am a patient of doctor Floyds and had surgery one day after another one of these posts 11/12/04. Dr Floyd was wonderful, but some of the care in the hospital was reallly bad. So I have to agree with beth I wouldnt recommend this hospital to my worst enemy!! Im glad everything went great for you and your husband. Just a little taste of what happened, I vomitted blood for almost 3 days half the time they didnt get me anything to puke in and ended up vomitting on myself. Cute!! Then they ran out of gowns and was laying there NAKED, for hours!!! Better luck to the next victims!!!