I'm coming to .....
I'll be in the Edmond and surrounding areas on Feb. 23,24,25th, and leaving mid afternoon on the 26th.
I posted a couple of week ago and had some nice information from some of you and was hoping there was a support groung meeting or get together during the time I will be there. If so let me know and I would love to meet any of you.
Hi Raoulene!
I believe there is a support group meeting in Edmond on the 24th of February. (It's my support group - I should know this!
I'm awful with dates sometimes though!) Time is from 5:45 to 8:00 p.m. at Edmond Regional Hospital in the Pavilion - Classroom 1 (I think). I'll verify that info for you because I'd love to meet you!
PS - Please email me if there's anything I can do for you while you're in town!