anyone there to help!
I read your question back on the 23rd...but since I don't live in Edmond...I didn't answer the question. I worked in Edmond for 2 1/2's a really nice 'city'. It's a suburb of Oklahoma City and the dividing line is somewhat blurry. I live in far Southwest Oklahoma City...17 miles South and West of downtown Oklahoma City. Edmond is about 13 miles North and East of downtown Oklahoma City.
Edmond is a rapidly growing area with great schools and fairly easy access to shopping. There are many "planned" communities...Oak Tree being one of is a very exclusive housing development with a gorgeous golf course and club.
There are several on this board that live in Edmond and could better answer your questions...but I though I'd weigh in and hopefully get things started. Personally I love the OKC metro area, some find it too small...some find it too big...I think it's just right.
If you have specific questions let me know...I'll do my best to answer them.
Happy thoughts,
5' 3.5"
-99 pounds
-90 inches

Hi Raoulene!
I also read your question on the 23rd but decided not to answer because I don't live in Edmond. I live in El Reno, a smaller town about 30 minutes from OKC - which in turn makes it about 45 minutes from Edmond, less if you take the Kilpatrick Turnpike.
My surgeon is in Edmond, as is my OB-GYN and my son's pediatrician. They are all excellent doctors, and I chose them specifically because they were in Edmond. May sound crazy, but it made sense at the time. Edmond is a lovely city, fast-growing as Virginia said. It has excellent schools and neighborhoods and shops. I figured the doctors had to be good too. So far, I haven't been disappointed, and I am extremely happy with the level of care I receive.
I hope someone who lives in Edmond will answer your question in better detail. I know there is as at least one lady online here who lives in Edmond. You might look up her profile (Becky Carlile) and email her directly. If you have any other questions, I will be more than happy to try to answer them!
P.S. I'm so jealous. I've always loved California!!!

I have e-mailed both of you and thank you for getting back to me. I was getting worried about people being unfriendly and my husband has always told me people are friendly in the midwest. Can you guys tell me a little more about the cost of homes in your area. Is insurance for health and homes and cars high there.
Hi again Raoulene!
I responded to your email, but I just saw this post as well. I gotta tell ya, I don't consider myself unfriendly - just shy.
Seriously though, your hubby is right. People are usually friendly around here.
Hmm. In answer to your questions, my hubby and I rent our home (3 bd./1/5 bath) here in El Reno and pay 550$ a month. Our insurance (through Farmer's - includes car and renter's) runs about 108.00 a month. As for health insurance, we're insured through my hubby's work with UHC. Our rates went up this year, and I believe we're paying around 240$/month pre-tax for myself, husband and our almost 3 year old.
You could always go to the insurance websites (Farmer's, State Farm, Allstate, Progressive, Geico) and get quotes - or at least a general idea of what it would cost.
As for the cost of homes, depending on the neighborhood/community you want to live in, it varies. The really nicer homes and newer construction homes are gong to run upwards of 100,000$/150,000$, if not more. It depends on which town and which community, if you buy already built, or want new construction. The websites I sent you in my email should also help answer this question. If I can do anything else, please let me know!

Our home would be in the Neighborhood of 110 to 125 thousand. It's 3 bed, 2 1/2 bath, 2000 sq ft., good neighborhood, good schools. For most homes in the metro 100 to 150 thousand would be about average. Our home owners insurance runs about $100 per month, low deductible. Car insurance, it's one of the reasons we live in the suburbs of OKC. Car insurance in OKC (Oklahoma County) is twice as high as it is for the counties surrounding OKC. We live in Cleveland county for that reason. Our car insurance runs around $200 a month for 3 cars with one male driver under 25. On my son's vehicle we just carry liability...can't afford full coverage on an 18 year old male...GEE WHIZ!!!!
As I said in my email response to you...folks out here aren't afraid to talk...we pass on all kinds of information. From which Wal-mart has that hard to find item, eateries with to die for goodies, whether or not a storm is on the way...when NOT to wash your car...
And in the support group I'm a member of...we even share where to buy the best girdles "suck-me-ups", protein drinks, who's got Crystal Lite on sale this name it...someone in that group knows where to get it.
Sorry to be long winded...once you get us OUT!!!