Need some advice
My son has been trying to get a transfer from Calif. to Edmond are surrounding areas and if he gets it, my husband has said we may try and move around there also. Calif is just to high to even try to retire here and things are changing to much.
Tell me some really truthful things about your area please. My son thinks it's wonderful there.
My husband works for Napa and I know there's at least two there.
Let me hear from you.
Hello Raoulene,
First let me apologize for those of us that did not respond to your post sooner. I rarely go to the Okla. MB. I mostly go to the main MB, since the it has more posts and action going on there. You mentioned that your son is wanting to Transfer to the Edmond area. Well, I too live in the Southwest OKC area as the other lady that posted. I have been to Edmond several times. It is a nice area. I would say that it is a little bit more Ritzy than the area of where I live. Alot of OSU (ok state) fans there too, since it is closer to Stillwater where OSU is located. There is also another school there, UCO. If you are a sooner fan (OU) then you might want to rethink the Edmond thing! haha J/K Really it is a nice area like I said, but a little too expensive for my taste. I imagine the homes there are also quite a bit more expensive. There is a Support Group there in the Edmond area at the Edmond Hosp. so that might be a plus for the move there. But there are support groups almost everywhere now. If you are upper income then you may be quite pleased with the Edmond area. You might try contacting the Edmond Chamber of Commerce and see if they can send you some info. If you ask me I would prefer the SW part of OKC or the Moore, or Norman area. Also other great areas are Yukon and Mustang. Everything is pretty accessible by the freeways here. I know I haven't been much help, but I don't want you to think that you are being ignored. I am from El Paso, Texas, and I have been here for 21 years, I love it! If I could have my wish I would live in Norman, Okla. not far from campus where the beautiful older homes are with the huge front porches and big old trees shading the houses. It is truly beautiful there. I wish you luck in your possible move.
Sooner Fan
Somehow I msised this p0ost. I live in Edmond. have lived here for 2 years & attend school at UCO. One of my professors said it best. THe majority of people living in Edmond are either upper middle clase and up or students. I fall into the student category. Rent is a little high here(unless you have housing through the college--that's me). It is what I consider a big little town. We have lots to do & plenty of "amenities"--stores, etc....I lived in the Bay Area--Fremont/Newark--and the way of life seems similar to me here in Edmond
I had my surgery here & am a Board Member of our support group.
Even if you do not chose to live in Edmond "proper" it is only about a 30 minute drive to South Oklahoma City & less than that to North Oklahoma City. Both of which have great areas to live and work in...
Here are some websites about our town...
Of course I have to "plug" our suppport group--A great group of people!!!!
Please, please, please e-mail me if you have any questions