Excited about my surgery
Hi, Well right now I weigh about 301, and have really bad arthritis,and degeneration too in my right knee.I am hoping with my WLS in Jan, (I don't know the date as yet, but will find out in Dec) that will alleviated some of the pain I have in my knee.Because I really don't want to have knee surgery anytime soon . I am so looking forward to this surgery. I know it will not only be a life changing experience but also a Life saving experience. I will finally be able to lose all the weight that has basically kept be from many activities for quite a few years. The hubby and I are very active in Boy Scouting and hopefully this will help in that area also.Then I will also be able to be more active in the Red Hat Society, Elks, and Policy Council for Big Five, of which I am a member of.My surgeon was the Chief of Bariatric Surgery at UCLA.So that alleviated any and all reservations I had about the surgery.Plus that is my home state as I am (what I call myself) a displaced Okie.The hubby if from here in Durant and I moved here with him after he got out of the Marine Corps.We are now, both of us Disabled Veterans,as I also was in the Marine Corps.Plus, you know what, I really can't wait to wear a pair of pants that doesn't come with elastic in the waistband.I would love to wear a pair of pants with a zipper again.WHOOOHOOOO!!!!Boy, I am easy to please .Of course I have never been a clothes person,so that might just change.HMMMMM.Guess I will just have to wait and see. Good luck all of those who are going to have your surgery before me and email me and let me know how you are doing.Just make sure you put in the subject line-Obesityhelp member- thanks for that. That way I won't delete your email as I won't know who you are.Have a beautimas day and love and hugs.Hey you know what, I might be able to actually get in the tub and take a bubble bath, maybe my knee will let me after I lose some of this weight.