2 Qs from a 6 day post=op
Ok here goes, I am 6 days out and not feeling to bad, I havent' had a bowl movement sense the day before surgery, do have a call into my nusre on that one, but is that normal, should I take something for it, I am feeling like a have to go a little today and have a little pressure on my left side that hasn't been there. Also anybody have terrrible terrrrible burps after surgery? I mean to tell l ya i have to warn people not to come near me after I burp. They are so like bad egg taste and smell. Sorry to be so gross, but I wonder.
Anyway, I hope my nurse calls me back soon today.
Take care
Bowel movements after surgery are kind of a iffy thing. It can depend heavily on your surgeons protocol. What are you eating? If you're on straight liquids you're not going to have BM's or much of one. You have to keep your expectations in line with reality. Of course what goes in your mouth must come out. But consider the form and consistency of what's actually going in.
As for the pain in your side and the burping...are you taking Phazym or Gas-X? Either one will help with the discomfort of gas pains.
BUT! Big ole BUT here!! If it doesn't feel right...it probably isn't. Call your surgeon if you have concerns.
Hope this helps.
Happy thoughts,
5' 3.5"
-87 pounds
-78 inches

I had trouble with BMs, too. I take a stool softener 2 times per day, and usually have a BM 2 to 3 times per week.
Gas is a normal thing after surgery, too. Sometimes it is the BURP and sometimes the good old FART (sorry). It will subside.
Dr. Fisher / Surgical Associates
-58.5 lbs.
306 / 247.5 / 170?