Any Tulsa, BA, SandSprings, Claremore - etc, people out there?
Hello gals and guys ~
I used to live in Oklahoma - in Tulsa and Claremore for about 20 years, and left there 4 years ago after I married my sweety. lol, he's in the Navy and Oklahoma just doesn't have a big need for sailor dudes - it's a tad bit land locked out there, ya' know?
Anyway - that's NOT why Im here
I have a really good friend who lives in Claremore and is seriously looking into weight loss surgery. Although I can give her the "basic" information on weight loss surgery as a PostOp and reaching goal, I can not help her much with "local" doctors.
If you live in Tulsa, or any of the neighboring cities - would you PLEASE respond to this thread and let me know what doctor you're using? If you have the time to give me any input on your doctor that would be great too - or if you have your thoughts already in your profile, let me know and I'll be happy to go and do some reading.
Also, not sure if anyone has any info on "United Health Insurance"?? This is her insurance carrier, actually, it's her husbands carrier. He works for American Airlines - I assume that's still one of Tulsa's biggest employers.
Supposedly United Health through American DOES cover WLS, anyone know if that's so, or NOT so?
Thanks in advance for any of your thoughts,
- Lei

Hello there, I am from Sand Springs. I am utilizing Dr. Gorospe @ Southcrest. He has performed over 800 wls procedures. I know there are doctors people seem to like at St. Francis as well. Not sure about their experience. I would have her research all of the doctors and see who she feels comfortable with. The 1st doctor I checked out had only done 30 procedures which is pretty scarey (he was at Hillcrest). Also, I have heard United Health Care is wonderful at paying. I have a friend who started trying to obtain approval after I had submitted my info - she has United Health Care and I have Aetna HMO - Well, she had her approval within a month and surgery in July - I with Aetna am now having to jump through hoops and go to the Hilcrest Lifestyles Program (which cost me $225.00) in order to obtain approval for the wls surgery which I am thinking will probably finally happen in January or February 2005. So, she is pretty lucky with her insurance - she just needs to find a doctor she is comfortable with. Tell her goodluck in finding that perfect doctor for her.
Hello Rita,
Thank you for the helpful response - it's very much appreciated. I'll forward this entire thread over to my friend so that she can read what you had to say. I know she'll be thrilled to know that "United Health" tends to approve WLS requests, lord knows there are enough carriers out there dropping the coverage.
Congratulations on your surgery - much success to you!
- Lei

I used Surgical Associates - in Tulsa out of St. Francis Hospital. Dr. Fisher and Dr. Katsis are WONDERFUL!!!!
-58.5 lbs.
Hello Cynthia ~
I appreciate the feeback and the LINK that you provided to your doctors group. Ive already played around on that site and I believe this is one that my friend had also mentioned 'possibly' using. It'll be nice to send your info and your profile link over to her so that she can read how you're doing with your post-op experence.
Have a wonderful day - Im not sure about Oklahoma, but we're having a bad case of SPRING FEVER here in Va-Beach!
- Lei

Hello Miss D!!!
Im sorry I was not able to reply to your EMAIL direct, but Im having all kinds of problems with my server (AOL) and right now, the newest challenge is it's failure to SEND MAIL! Aaaaargh, after 10 years with them I think it's time to move ON!
Anyway - I hope you come back to this thread and read this, I don't want you to think Im ignoring you.
Thank you so MUCH for the honesty in the email. Guess what? My friend had heard the exact same thing from her PCP. Pretty scary huh? Your email just helped to confirm it.
As far as me making out there to see Doug and Millie - it hasn't happened yet. It was supposed to be in September, but I ended up getting an approval for a tummy tuck and a breast lift. LOL, needless to say that took priority and I ended up on the operating table again instead of in Tulsa.
My hubby's sub comes back from a 6 month deployment on Friday - Im hoping to make a quick trip out to Tulsa in the next two months, with him in tow. Now we'll see what time, schedules and expenses have to say about it all.
Congrats to you on your wonderful weight loss - you're a success in motion, my friend.
Hugs - Lei
Hello Lei
I am one week post-op today, not feeling to bad, just tired. I have UHC insurance too from my husband. I usued Dr. Katsis at Surgical Associates. He was very sweet and did great job on my surgery. UHC was easy to work with, but I guess the policy would be different with each work place. Good Luck
Hello Sarah ~
Congratulations to you on your recent surgery - Im glad to hear you're already up and about. lol, you're making me LOOK BAD! I don't think I stepped anywhere near my computer for at least the first coupla' weeks. Which says a lot, cause Im a computer-junkie!
Thanks for the information on Dr. Katsis. I pulled up his forum here on the OH site and sent the link over to my girlfriend, along with the link for the docs the previous posters suggested. I appreciate you taking the time to respond, it helps to have names of doctors already being used by members from this site.
- Lei