First appointment tomorrow
Hi folk! First let me apologize for my post. I'm not a very good writer.
Tomorrow is my first appointment to see the surgeon. I will be there to get the medical necessity letter for my stupid insurance company. I'm hoping to find out more about the other stuff involved with surgery; like time off work and the FMLA. I HATE my job SO much
, but I have stuck with it because of the insurance. Now I want to know what all I have to get in order to take the time off work to have surgery and how long I can take and what not. Luckily, I do have short term disability so I won't need a check, but I want to get out of the hell hole as fast as I can after surgery
If anyone has had the same ordeal or just has some general advice on what I could do I'd appreciate it very much!

Let us know what type of surgery you're going to have... Lap RNY, Open RNY, Lap Band etc... Then we might be able to give you a little more advise. I had the Lap RNY on March 30 2004 and I was back at work Full-time in 14 days, I have a very nice desk job and love to come to work (most of the time) so I'm sorry you're so displeased with your current situation... Hopefully you'll have your surgery and then be able to find a nicer more suitable job for yourself... I'll be praying for ya. Let us know how you're doing...
116 lbs in 6 months & feel like

Hi folks!
Sorry I don't have this in my profile, I thought I did, I am going to have the LAP-Band surgery. I talked to the doctor today and he said I'm a good canidate for it. Thankfully I have Blue Cross Blue Shield of Texas (instead of BCBSOK) and he said he has never heard of them turning down a patient for WLS. I should hear back from them in 2-3 weeks then I'll set up a time to meet with a dietitian and have an upper GI (fun!). Hopefully I'll get to have the surgery before Christmas and I can miss the horrible shopping season! Yay!
Thanks for all the great advice I've recieved so far. You're all nifty