National Convention Class List!
The National Convention in los Angeles is soon approaching - It is being held on October 29-31 at the Universal Hilton in Los Angeles, California.
Well you have been asking for it and now it is ready for you to see...
The 2005 National Convention Class Schedule...
List of class choices:
The "New Me" Coping Strategies
When Thin is to thin - Anorexia - Bulimia
Massage Techniques
Relaxation Techniques
Boundary Issues - When and how to control them
Building Self Esteem
Lap band Surgery information
Nutritional information post surgical
When the "honeymoon" is over???
Depression & Pharmacology
Men's ONLY group
Women's ONLY group
SUPPORT people ONLY group
Exercise and Movement
Care of your Bones and Muscles during your Journey
Our New Nutritional Needs
Post-op over plus year
Cooking on the Go
Protein First - Steps to success
Life without Scales
Learning to think THIN
What can I eat??? What's a protein??
Over 50 and Loving life!
Chat with a Doctor:
Plastic Surgeon:
Dr. J. Timothy Katzen
Bariatric Surgeon:
Dr. Terry Simpson
Dr. Brian Quebbman
Dr. Ramsey Dallal
Dr. Mal Flobi
Dr. Monica Ganz
Dr. David Engstrom
Dr. Scott Boliver
Dr. Donna Redmayne
Dr. Alan Forrest
Dr. Jacqueline Jacques
There are going to be so many choices and you will not know how to decide - so bring a friend and split the list - share with one another afterwards.
We are looking forward to seeing all of you there.
Also register now as the price goes up on October 15 to $75. Also the hotel is almost out of rooms - so do not wait...
It's a lifestyle,